I don’t have ETC, how do I avoid ETC only on-ramps?

I work and drive in Japan, but I don’t drive often enough to justify getting an ETC card. When I do drive and need to take the highway, what do I do if I come across an ETC only on-ramp or how can I avoid them in advance? Or should I get an ETC card anyway?

  1. You can pay at etc but it’s really inconvenient for those behind. If you are talking about entering an expressway you can just avoid etc by the color of the road. Best option is to just get the etc card and avoid the hassle.

  2. The IC signage is always clearly marked with “ETC Only” signs in my experience.

    If you want to avoid them proactively, Navitime will let you filter them out from your routes.

    If you can’t get a credit card based ETC card you can sign up for a deposit based card with an annual fee of just under 1200y.

  3. There’s little to no downside to getting an ETC card — many credit cards will offer you one for free, and for those that do charge for it, the annual fee is usually under Â¥1000. Also, depending on the routes you’re driving, there may be a discount for ETC users, so even if you drive very infrequently, the card may end up paying for itself.

  4. I don’t understand, the ETC card costs nothing, it’s basically an extension to your credit card. What’s not worth getting if it would save you time in getting onto/off of the highways and money in not paying additional tolls because you had to drive several km out of your way to find an exit with a person?

  5. But… etc cards are free?
    If you have a credit card at some company, you can get an etc card for free together with it.

  6. Just to piggybank, but you do need to pay to get the ETC reader installed in your car right???

    How much is that?

  7. Can I connect an etc to my American credit card? I haven’t bothered to put a lot of my money into yen given the currency issues.

  8. Adding to the chorus of getting an ETC card—there’s really no downsides to it, and it is usually free with any of the major credit cards. if you don’t have a major credit card, it might be worth it to apply just for the fact that when you travel, you can use their airport lounge (free food and drinks and a quiet place to sit). Here’s link to a page with lots of campaigns for free ETC cards:

  9. ETC is cheaper than paying cash. Even if you only drive half a dozen times a month, why not save yourself money, time and hassle and just get an ETC?

  10. A lot of answers here say just get an ETC card, but understand that not everyone has and have different situations, so to answer OP’s question and for someone else seeking answers. To avoid ETC only gates, the signs are colored purple and usually says “ETC only”. There are signage ahead kms before the exit or entrance. GPS like Yahoo Navi I think has the smart IC features that can be toggled on and off.

    Let’s say you end up in a situation where you happen to take the ETC only exit, you can explain it was a mistake and usually the staff are polite enough to give you a U-turn.

  11. Well, for one it’s usually labeled, but in Japanese. One tip is the ETC only signs are typically purple instead of the usual green, which is an easy marker.

    Also I’d highly recommend getting an ETC card. Those 30% holiday and weekend discounts are amazing.

  12. Should you get an ETC card anyway? Yes. (You’ll save money in the long run, savings can be significant even if you don’t use it that often and it will pay for itself quickly)

    How to avoid ETC only exits? There will be signs, do not under any circumstances use an ETC only exit unless you have ETC. It will be a massive pain.

    Your GPS should have an option somewhere buried in the settings for it. Otherwise you’ll just have to look at a map and see if the exit is etc only or not. Most of the country it’s not a big deal although a lot of smaller exits are etc only these days so you’ll have to drive a bit out of your way on occasion. Otherwise the only real area that it will be a problem is on the Tokyo metropolitan expressway as they are phasing out 90% of their old toll booths to ETC only lanes.

  13. When i first came to Japan in 2006 i had the international driver’s licence and no idea about ETC. Drove into the barrier thinking it would go up but it didn’t budge, guy said something and raised the barriers so i just drove off. When i came to the exit same thing happened, now i come back to think about it they probably wanted me to wait for them after raising the barriers, i just drove off each time. Never knew i had to pay any fees for the highway.


    I thought they always had an option to pay in cash, usually the banner is a green color. ETC only is purple.

  14. No ETC horror story:
    When my roommate’s family visited they rented a car and declined the ETC card. They drove from Tokyo to Ishikawa then drove back to Tokyo on the day of their flight. I accompanied them back.

    That day a big accident happened near Toyama which closed the entire highway for 80km but past the closure zone we couldn’t find a non-ETC entrance for another 50km. It was rather stressful but thankfully we left extremely early.

  15. I drive to Daikoki for work several times per week.

    With ETC, it’s 410 yen.
    Without it’s 1,950 yen.

  16. Last time I tried to drive through an ETC-only gate without an ETC card in the car they just sent me a form to pay the bill at a convenience store. Does that no longer happen?

    Also, what happens if you DO have an ETC card but, uh, for various reasons you’ve maxed out your credit card?

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