Seeking Information on HPV Vaccine for Women in Japan – Need Advice!

My wife and I are considering getting her vaccinated, and I’m wondering if anyone here has already gone through the process.

I have a few specific questions:

Have you or anyone you know received the HPV vaccine in Japan?

Is the vaccine provided for free, or is there a cost associated with it?

Where did you or your acquaintance get the vaccine?

What’s the process like for obtaining the vaccine in Japan?

I want to ensure that my wife has all the necessary information before we proceed, and your experiences and insights would be incredibly valuable. If you could share your exp, we would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you in advance for your help!

  1. It is not free for adults unless you are a woman born between 1997-2007 (campaign to back vaccinate for that period). It is in fact quite expensive if self pay – so my guess is you are unlikely to find anyone who got self pay as an adult here – but like with all voluntary vaccinations the individual clinic sets the price. Pediatricians and gynecologists will offer it. Some places may not be willing to do it over a certain age as the assumption is you have already been exposed to at least 1 strain.

  2. HPV vaccine is generally not recommended for people who’ve probably already been exposed to at least one strain (read anyone who’s ever had sexual contact).

    This is why countries that vaccinate all people generally restrict it to young girls <14

    It won’t harm someone who’s already been exposed, but it wouldn’t work either so a waste of money. (Incorrect, see edit below)

    HPV DNA testing should be part of any woman’s regular gynaecologist visits (not just pap which is far less accurate)

    Edit: Some of above is incorrect, please see pubmed link below, seems hpv vaccine now recommended for women who have previously been exposed but aren’t currently dna+

  3. >Have you or anyone you know received the HPV vaccine in Japan?

    I did! First shot in September I think of 2019 and 3rd shot in March of 2020, right before COVID became huge in Japan.

    >Is the vaccine provided for free, or is there a cost associated with it?

    Not free for me at all. First 2 shot was like 16,000JPY each, last was a bit higher due to consumption tax being raised or something similar. I wasn’t made aware of any free vaccination campaign though so I had to really plan ahead with everything.

    >Where did you or your acquaintance get the vaccine?

    I just googled it really, and looked through like 20-30 clinics. I chose the OBGYN that will charge me with only the vaccination and no extra 初診料 or 再診料 cost (I’m sorry I have no ideas what is the English equipvalent – but some clinics charge you for talking to the doctor, vaccination etc are usually handled by the nurses). I am still going to that same clinic once every 3 months for annual checkup and birth control.

    >What’s the process like for obtaining the vaccine in Japan?

    Back then the clinic didn’t have online reservation, so I’d go early in the day, told reception what I want, they called me into a room telling me what should be avoided if I want the shots, what the side effects are gonna be etc, and then they gave me the shot. I paid, waited for 30m inside just in case and then leave.

    Arm would hurt for days but bath and salonpas helped. I had a 39 almost 40° fever for my last shot though. Beginning of COVID in Japan so I was so scared I cried myself to sleep.

    I was told you don’t need to be a virgin to take the vaccine, but must refrain from anything sexual during the 6 months. But other clinics may say something different. Or maybe there is new studies that vaccination won’t work for non-virgins. I wouldn’t know.

  4. Japan is very strict with vaccine schedule. If you miss the age time window even by a day, then everything is out of pocket

  5. I got all 3 shots in Japan. I’m under 27 years old so it was quite easy to go for the free HPV vaccination. Got the instruction from the city hall (they sent me an envelop with all the information) and just have to bring it to any clinic in the list they gave me and got the vaccination. HPV vaccination is not recommended for women who are over 26 years old if I remember it right.

  6. gardasil 9 is not covered by insurance, the cheapest i’ve found in tokyo is 30000 a shot (and you need 2 of them). however you can claim back medical expenses over 100000 on taxes so you might get a tiny amount back. i may be wrong but i think the older version is free.

    you can get the shot at a gynecologist, often called ladies clinic

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