Working Online as a Second Job

Hey all.

So starting next August I’ll be changing jobs (from JET) and as such at first, will be taking a bit of a pay dip. The next has already discussed with me being able to have a second job. I understand that it will take some visa paperwork, but would it be possible to work online as that second job? Has anyone done it before? I would have the main working visa separate from working online. Everything I try searching for online ends up with working online alone, which wouldn’t be the case. Would then I be paying taxes to Japan for that online job and such?


  1. (take this with a grain of salt because I have never worked two jobs myself, thus disclaimer that I’m not an expert on the subject whatsoever. Hoping others with actual experience will also chime in).

    As far as I know, it doesn’t matter whether the job is online or in-person. What matters is that you’ve gotten the permission from Immigration to engage in a second job.

    Assuming you have permission to be working both jobs, you will need to file taxes on your own at the end of the year, as explained on the National Tax Agency’s website here: [No.12018 Wage earners who must file a final tax return|National Tax Agency JAPAN (]( Again, this should be regardless of whether the work was online or not.

    This link also has some of the above info summed up in English if you’d like to check that too: [How to run a successful side hustle in Japan |](

  2. It doesn’t matter whether it’s online. What maters is whether your SOR allows it. You can’t have two SORs. (We don’t call a status of residency a “visa” because a visa is a different thing wrt Japan Immigration)

    And your income tax is based on all income you get for activities you perforn while living in Japan, so you need to declare income from both.

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