Is Kerosene delivery available?

I’m particularly interested in Kagawa (where I am right now) but it may be a more general question.

I don’t drive (one of the reasons I am here) and it is now getting cold. My home is mostly heated by Kerosene heaters and at some point I will run out. In the past a friend has carried them for me, but at the moment there is just me. The nearest supplier is really too far to walk with a full tank – which can be very heavy.

Is there any chance of getting some delivered? As it happens, inaka though this is, there is a very large Aeon Mall about 20 minutes walk away. I wondered it they might do something like that – they do have some sort of home delivery facility for non-perishables. I will ask them, but there may be an obvious answer such as “yes, XXX company does this” or “no, not heard of”.

EDIT: thanks so much for the splendid response. I should have said that I get the kerosene in those large plastic containers (red, blue and green at the moment), rather than having a house tank. There is an LPG heater for water but I have that turned off at the moment. I have to pay in person (no konbini etc) and it is a 30+ minute walk and so I had it turned off while I was away. I could hook it up to a heater in the kitchen perhaps, but for the moment that remains a more complicated option.

  1. Do you have a large tank for the whole house or do you use the red/blue poly containers?

    But in short – a friend should be able to help you arrange kerosene delivery either by a local gas station or one (of the gas stations if they don’t deliver themselves) will know who will deliver to your area.

  2. do you have a コメリ in your area? they do delivery.

    if not, you can use the keywords on that page to find some service.

    in my shitty inaka, there’s a truck with kerosene container and a pump on the back and they drive around houses and deliver stuff. you can probably ask around at a nearest gas station or similar – if they don’t do it they can probably recommend some place that does.

  3. Inaka absolutely have small trucks that carry kerosene tanks and will deliver for you. The trucks usually play a song as they drive around, like the SHUWA trucks.

  4. Most of the gas stands in the area where we live will deliver kerosene. Of course, it will cost more but you should be able to have it delivered.

  5. If you know any of them neighbors ask them if they know about the kerosine trucks that usually run by every other week – at least where I live.
    Hopefully they can tell you the rough schedule.

    If that doesn’t work, I’d go for gas station instead of Aeon.

  6. As already mentioned, most any gas station will be able to deliver. If push comes to shove, I have a small bicycle trailer, which will happily carry two or three of the 18l tanks, and is just as handy for shopping cases of drinks etc. Recommended.

  7. Not sure if you have Kanashoku in your area but they deliver and you can even order it online.

  8. Try calling your local Eneos… don’t know if they’ll deliver smaller ones, but they fill up our home’s tank from the truck.

  9. I used to get the tank for my house (super inaka) filled up by a truck, and they’d top up my two portable jerry cans as well.

    In my case, it was arranged directly with the gas company’s “office” in town.

  10. Wow. I lived here in the 1990s and there used to be a truck that would drive around like the ice cream man, playing music. If you were a kerosene user and you heard him coming, you could go outside with your little can and pay the man to fill it up. I missed the 2000s and 2010s (I was back in the US) but now I’m here again in the 2020s; I’ve been here for two years and I can’t say I’ve seen such a truck.

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