Language school vs vocational schoool vs other ways of staying long term

Hey all long time lurker here.

I’m studying for a BA in humanities and will be graduating next year in my country. I’m aware that the field of my degree doesn’t open doors jobwise but I always see people on this sub screaming at posters that if they don’t have a BA they can’t look for job and live there, so I’m just getting that out of the way. Also my japanese level is between n3 and n2.

Now as to what my plan is. My plan was to save 3 million yen over the course of 20 months working in my own country and then apply to a language school and study and live in japan for one year. The problem is that I wouldn’t know what to do after that year. I have a big interest in IT and after i’m done with my BA i wanted to enroll in online bootcamps and boost my ability. So that once I’m in japan and done with the langauge school i would be able to apply to some junior dev or entry level positions allowing me to continue living here. The problem with this plan is that 20 months from now I feel like my language ability will have increased exponentially by continuing studying on my own. So I feel like language school will become a waste of time and money in that sense, if i can become fluent within the next 20 months which doesn’t seem such an impossible task considering my current level what good is language school for? Seems redundant.

So the question now is how can I live long term there? Unfortunately my country doesn’t offer WHV. So no luck there either. I thought that maybe senmon gakko would have been a good idea. Heck even enroll into an IT course which would allow me to hone my skills even fruther. And that would give me the possibility of living there for 2 years and after that a piece of paper to show my future employer. I also contemplated attending music senmon gakko since I love performative arts (dancing and singing). Though that would give me little chance of finding a job in japan in that field (or anywhere in the world really), 2 years of studying something i really love just to live here and then still kick off my IT career that I started on my own. I’m aware that in IT what matters most usually is having a good portfolio and experience under the belt. So I also plan on getting that done by then. I considered music school also because studying at a senmongakko in a field that I’ll already have dabbled with (IT) by then seems also pretty redundant. I know that senmon gakko allows you to only look for jobs in that specific field, but owning a BA should counter that, right? Allowing me to apply for IT jobs regardless?

Anyway, thoughts?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Language school vs vocational schoool vs other ways of staying long term**

    Hey all long time lurker here.

    I’m studying for a BA in humanities and will be graduating next year. I’m aware that the field of my degree doesn’t open doors jobwise but I always see people on this sub screaming at posters that if they don’t have a BA they can’t look for job and live there, so I’m just getting that out of the way. Also my japanese level is between n3 and n2.

    Now as to what my plan is. My plan was to save 3 million yen over the course of 20 months working in my own country and then apply to a language school and study and live in japan for one year. The problem is that I wouldn’t know what to do after that year. I have a big interest in IT and after i’m done with my BA i wanted to enroll in online bootcamps and boost my ability. So that once I’m in japan and done with the langauge school i would be able to apply to some junior dev or entry level positions allowing me to continue living here. The problem with this plan is that 20 months from now I feel like my language ability will have increased exponentially by continuing studying on my own. So I feel like language school will become a waste of time and money in that sense, if i can become fluent within the next 20 months which doesn’t seem such an impossible task considering my current level what good is language school for? Seems redundant.

    So the question now is how can I live long term there? Unfortunately my country doesn’t offer WHV. So no luck there either. I thought that maybe senmon gakko would have been a good idea. Heck even enroll into an IT course which would allow me to hone my skills even fruther. And that would give me the possibility of living there for 2 years and after that a piece of paper to show my future employer. I also contemplated attending music senmon gakko since I love performative arts (dancing and singing). Though that would give me little chance of finding a job in japan in that field (or anywhere in the world really), 2 years of studying something i really love just to live here and then still kick off my IT career that I started on my own. I’m aware that in IT what matters most usually is having a good portfolio and experience under the belt. So I also plan on getting that done by then. Thing is that studying senmongakko in a field that I’ll already have fiddled with by then seems also pretty redundant. I know that senmon gakko allows you to only look for jobs in that specific field, but owning a BA should counter that, right? Allowing me to look for IT jobs?


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  2. The current market for entry level developers is much higher than just dabbling in or having a bootcamp/Certificate. So even if you go to language school, if you only have bootcamp and no actual internship/project/work experience there’s not much in the market for you after 2 years.

    You could go for a CS MS after completing a bootcamp and try to find an internship/job through the MS program. Then if you’re still not yet at N1 you can go to language school and enter the job market with the MS degree and potentially some experience.

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