I had to try Sushi from a Supermarket… Wow. And that for about 3,50€

I had to try Sushi from a Supermarket… Wow. And that for about 3,50€

  1. Supermarket sushi in Japan beats out most sushi places outside Japan. For price, value, freshness, it’s a great deal. Even better is a lunchtime takeaway package from a sushi restaurant; twice that price but usually still a steal.

  2. Haha! I can get half that selection and a shitty California roll for almost $30 in Idaho!

  3. After living in Japan, I can’t eat sushi in the US anymore (esp. as I don’t live on the west coast).

    I’d pay twice as much as a real sushi shop for sushi that’s half as cheap conveyer belt sushi and that’s if I get the good stuff.

    It’s a problem 🙁

  4. Just look like some rough cut fish. Add some herbs its a nice soup. Thickened over a buttery biscuit and that’s two meals

  5. Looks cheap but really good!!!!!
    Idk I prefer thoses biiiiiig fishes than that lil salmon thingy on a lil bit of rice

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