

  1. Terrible place to eat Sushi. It the worst place to eat Sushi. It like taking real Italian person to eat at restaurant Olive garden …
    It’s very insulting…

  2. Fuck the haters, I love this place. There’s a reason there’s always a massive line at dinner time full of Japanese people… it’s fun, cheap, and delicious.

  3. Ignore the raving loon. It’s a 3 day old account for starters. Sushiro is obviously not an insult to a Japanese person.

    But at the same time, Sushiro is not great to me even as a chain/conveyor sushi type place. It seems reasonably popular, but Hamazushi and Kurazushi are typically just as full/popular. Unlike those two, Sushiro doesn’t have something that sets it apart. Kurazushi’s fried food is probably the best of the three (yes, an insanely odd thing to pick up on – I only actually go here because it’s the closest sushi place to my house) and Hamazushi has ponzu which I fucking love. I think the fish quality and variety on offer at Hamazushi and Sushiro is basically a wash.

    If you’re on holiday, do try and get into a nicer sushi place before you go home though. It’s truly on another level. My friends were here recently and the best meal they had was the 4000 yen a head sushi meal (there was a bit of quality tempura in there too.)

  4. Sushi is my favorite food, but I haven’t had it in years because I can’t afford it… 💔

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