Sashimi question.

ordered an 8-piece nigiri plate, but they served me a different assortment of sushi. When I pointed out the mistake, they offered it to me for the same price of $24.95, as it was the chef’s error. I asked the waitress what each of these were and the waitress identified some of the pieces as tuna, yellowtail, and salmon, but I couldn’t get details on all of them. I felt kind of weird questioning her and just left things alone especially since I wasn’t even supposed to be served this. Could someone help me identify a few of the other pieces in this platter?

  1. far top right: bluefin or bigeye tuna

    The salmon is salmon belly

    The bottom middle white fish with a sear looks like Albacore

    Middle left looks like yellowtail

    Top middle with the chili oil is escolar sashimi

    Bottom left is a white fish sashimi. It’s really hard to tell since there’s so many.

    Top right below tuna is Squid?

    Finally far top left: chutoro tuna

  2. This is actually a good price for the fish

    They give you Chutoro and Akami

    Also flounder with tobiko and green onion

    Fish with skin looks like type of snapper , if it’s red color means kinmedai or similar

    Squid in the back

    Also escolar with chili garlic

    Fatty salmon on the right

    And what looks like hamachi

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