Increase in Sinus Headaches

Since last weekend’s storm I’ve had the worst sinus pressure. I typically get sinus headaches several times a year, especially since having moved to Japan 7 years ago. The timing of this along with the sudden drop in temperature is brutal. My doctor checked for other issues, but it’s decidedly sinuses.

I monitor the pressure with local apps, and so far the headaches fit pressure drops I’m seeing on there too. I’m also pregnant, and I know sinusitis can ramp up to an ungodly amount on its own during that alone. Not to mention the extra blood currently trying to pump its way throughout my body. That aside, anyone else feeling an increase in sinus issues recently?

  1. My wife has been experiencing something like this for years. It is especially bad when the temperature fluctuates a lot like a couple weeks ago. Also sometimes happen when it will rain. This plus allergy to pollen makes it really bad during spring and autumn.

  2. Yep, and I’m also pregnant. It also gets significantly worse at bedtime and overnight so I spend most of the night mouth-breathing and wake up with a sore throat as well ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)

  3. I started having rhinitis after getting Covid last year. It happens when temps drop all at once. A few things I have done to eliminate all other factors: have a humidyer and keep the room humidity to 55-60%, especially at night. I also cleaned/changed all the air vents filters. I try to go out and get some fresh air whenever I can, with some moderate exercize. I use [nasal spray]( which is quite strong and gives me a few hours of respite. This year, it was pretty bad, so I went to the doctor, showed him all the over the counter meds I tried, and asked for something different/stronger. It has made miracles. Good luck.

  4. Ayeeeeee me too! I thought I was getting a cold/influenza but I didn’t got any fever and realized that I also felt the throbbing pain around my sinuses.. All the way to my neck and shoulder… Crazy 4-5 days.. Took some ibuprofen and this morning all good!! Ready for the long weekend

  5. I start having issues again with the change of temperature.
    Luckily my wife have an eye mask that become hot or cold. That helps a lot.

  6. Yep, got so bad a few days ago that even though I’ve been on antibiotics since August and will continue till sometime middle of next year I wound up with a sinus infection so bad I got vertigo and fell down.

    Go to your doctor, they’ll prescribe you a good mild antihistamine that should help. If it doesn’t you can always do what I did which was take about 4x the recommended dose to dry everything up long enough for the antibiotics to kill all the buggies.

    You might say it’s a common complaint this time of year:

  7. Seems to be caused by a mix of allergens – and don`t forget the cubi element to not feeling good in the ears, nose, throat, eyes etc by mold lurking around. While some people are having post-Covid complications, it could just be the allergen mix.

    I also know people underestimate the bad air in som J cities. Coming from a place where the air is more clean than is the case of most cities in the world, I can sense the pollution in Tokyo`s air tho many people can`t. And even bigger apartments seem to have air that is kind of stale unless your apartment is new or the expensive kind that is very well constructed. I think the air humidifier suggestion is on point.

  8. Its the humidity level and pressure no doubt. Theres also still trees dropping pollen particularly the Himalayan Sugi scattered around the place and Japanese pines dropping their leaves. Can’t think of other stuff, but maybe someone else has some insight.

    Get a humidifier from nittori or wherever, keep your house free from dust and wear a mask and you should some change.

  9. I used to get sinus as a teen, but it tailed off in my home country. Since coming to Japan 7 years ago, I have constant, CONSTANT issues and infections. Pressure changes are very clearly linked to my condition.

  10. I have gotten chronic sinus infections since moving to Japan eight years ago. I don’t know why, but fuck — it sucks.

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