In hectic post-COVID Japan, more people prefer sleeping to partying at year-end: poll

In hectic post-COVID Japan, more people prefer sleeping to partying at year-end: poll

  1. I love waking up early and enjoying that morning chill in the coziest way possible even if it’s not as social as staying up late and drinking.

  2. Culturally speaking “going out for a end of year party” is not as common as in other countries, but with that said I can see it being even more of a bother for people here for multiple reasons.

    1. End of year holidays are not that long (1 week max)
    2. Most people go back to see their families (which also happens mostly during these days and during Obon in summer)
    3. There is a spike in working hours during the end of the year to finish their work, also known as 仕事納め, so I expect people being even more tired than usual
    4. In general people have issues taking holidays in Japan, so most people have a lot of stress that has not been let go off during the rest of the year.
    5. “End of year party” I believe is mostly referring to “going our with coworkers during mid–end December”, in which case it is even less appealing since it is basically like working during your time off.

  3. From my observations at the larger parties, other than those who really liked the all you can drink, not many appeared to be enjoying the vibe. Most seemed happy when it was over and ready to go home.

  4. I think that hasn’t changed from before COVID. There’s a certain chunk of any population who would rather avoid any sort of social event. I remember there always being people who treated parties like a chore.

  5. We need all extra time we can have to sleep a bit more.

    There’s only work. then death. until then, work.

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