Disability related travel question.

Hey! I’ve been learning Japanese for about a month and a half as I plan to travel in a few years. However, there is one thing that I absolutely must learn. I am deaf on my right side as I was born without an ear, and I would like a polite way to communicate that. Does anyone have a good sentence?


  1. I will edit my comment later with a sentence for you once a native speaker friend of mine checks for clarity!

    This isn’t 100% applicable to your circumstances, but I also found [this](https://www.creema.jp/item/9604306/detail) which may help you not have to explain things verbally every time (direct translation: my right ear can’t ear).

    If you are interested in making friends in the Japanese deaf community, I have a friend who was able to easily after learning a bit of JSL! They were very welcoming and showed her around Tokyo. Feel free to DM me if you’d like to know more about JSL resources or her experience 🙂 Good luck!

  2. They have badges for stuff like this. They have them for pregnant women as well マタニティマーク (maternity mark). Most conditions that is not obvious I think. I saw someone with マタニティマーク when I was in Japan. What you looking for is a 耳マーク. I do not know how to get these or what not, but they exist. Google image search 耳マーク, it has some phrases next to the badges. Guess you could just print them.

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