Japan eyes banning cannabinoid HHCH after gummies render many ill

Japan eyes banning cannabinoid HHCH after gummies render many ill


  1. I saw this coming a mile off. They even had some university professor on the news saying how dangerous HHCH is. At that point I knew a ban was coming.

  2. When will they figure out of they legalize it, control and tax it, everyone will benefit? These homemade gummies are an avoidable disaster IMO.

  3. As usual, some idiot ruins a good thing for everyone else. Dude handed out extremely potent gummies to unsuspecting people, of course they think they’re gonna die

  4. Feel bad for my local CBD shop guys. Super knowledgeable dudes and they educated all their costumers about each product, how much to consume at a time, etc. The place was getting really popular recently and now half their inventory is about to be wiped out :/

  5. Japan’s solution to everything is banning it. What a miserable country & government. No wonder everyone killing themselves. It’s like reddit IRL.

  6. Why does Japan ban everything? Is regular marijuana legal yet? I assume no if theres a harsh reaction to edibles?

  7. Banning it doesn’t magically make it go away. People will find a way, and that way will be even more unsafe and unregulated than it is now.

  8. I understand that this guy was hyped up about making everyone else happy, but he messed up big time. Now I’ll have to worry about losing my stress relief.

    Also those young people that eat stuff without knowing what the hell are they ingesting.

    And japan just turning a blind eye to the booze industry and trying to blame a freaking gummie.

  9. Why are foriegners on these Japanese subreddits so pro drugs? You do know in conservative societies like Japan, drugs is a huge taboo right, where it will most likely never be legalized.

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