Fake stuff on Mercari

Out of impulse I bought some earphones of Mercari because they were slightly cheaper than retail. The guy said he got it for free with his phone which seemed legit.

When they arrived there was a couple red flags,

1. His Mercari shipping origin and the actual address on the package were on other sides of Japan.

2. The label on the package was odd “Headphones model 173849” or something.

3. The back of the case had spelling and punctuation errors.

Messaged the dude asking to cancel and asked for instructions to chakubarai send it.

He comes back to me with just the cancel request and a yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

First time cancelling and I just clicked OK and it seems like it completed everything. Couldn’t find where to send it back to seller. After some research, he was supposed to receive it then hit the cancel button. So now I am left with these fake earphones.

Pretty sure he was just a scammer and was sourcing it from the other location. Should I contact Mercari to figure out how to return it or just consider this over?

  1. yeah I bought some air jordans on Mercari that turned out to be fake
    Contacted Mercari and they didn’t do shit, wouldn’t even let me refund it

    That guy is still selling fake shit

  2. Sounds like he let you keep the product and get a refund? He was supposed to share his address in the transactional messages. Is he a new seller? He either got confused or didn’t care and preferred to cancel it and let you keep it. Not sure what mercari would do in this case…

  3. Not a Mercari user, but Yahoo Auctions is similar. Most stuff is legit, but there is a significant population of scammers selling fake stuff, etc. The platform doesn’t seem to do much about it.

  4. Mercari is full of fakes.
    If the listing only has photos from the official website or there are a bunch of other sellers with the same photo, but cropped slightly different for each one, high likelihood they are fake.

    For electronics, you might want to ask for additional close up photos.

    If they refunded you, then that’s about it. You can report the item as fraudulent. But I’ve spent hours on mercari reporting fakes and they all pop up again and again.

  5. I bought a fake memory card (microsd) on a flea market site, I forget which as I couldn’t find a record of it.

  6. Not much you can do. Mercari doesn’t give a shit. I had someone buy a lot of stuff from my site, over $2000 worth with a stolen card. The exact items appeared on Mercari a week later. I had a police report and mercari didn’t do a damn thing.

  7. If you ever see, 国内正規品にこだわる方ご遠慮ください or anything like that run, don’t buy

  8. I didn’t contact Mercari. It was hassle for me and the seller had very high rating there.

    I bought a bottle of perfume on Mercari, thinking it was original. There was even a note on the seller’s page that it was directly imported from the US. I bought it, thinking that the price was less than what I know.

    So yeah, when I got the package, I just had that instinct that it was a fake. I own an original tester of the perfume, so I knew at first spray that I received a fake. It had a similar scent but it was watered down and disappeared on my skin in less than 2 hours.

    I ended up buying a new original bottle and was instantly satisfied. Bummer that I wasted money. Oh well, lesson learned.

  9. Their policy is just as dumb as you would expect one would be in Japan. This is what I was told “if the seller admits that the article is fake, the money will be returned”. I think I’m gonna just start selling fake shit at low quantities for kicks

  10. I like their fake bike clothes. Bike clothes are stupid expensive and only last two or three years anyway (for bibs, at least), so I’ve taken to buying from the Mercari Chinese factory representatives, and have gotten some compliments on their stuff.

  11. Mercari does not care. Someone who stole my friend’s bike and listed it on there still has an account. Another guy I bought fake tickets from still has an account…

  12. None of the platforms wanna bother. Amazon, Yahoo, they all put due dilly on the buyer side and won’t get involved in buyer seller disputes.

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