What are some examples of Japanese slang?

Like is there abbreviations for words like in English? Or are their things that just carry meaning (and are more known for their meaning rather than their abbreviation) like lol, lmao, smh, etc.

  1. for the equivalent of “lol” that would be “www” which is short for 笑う, or if you’re in more otaku online spheres you’ll see 草 instead, read out loud as くさ, because “www” looks like grass.

    “TSKR” stands for 助かる and is roughly equivalent to “blessed”. 乙 is short for おつかれ. “WKTK” is short for わくわくたかたか and means you are excited. “KWSK” is short for 詳しくor “details, please”.

    Also in otaku spheres a リアジュウ literally means something like “reality enjoyer” and is used to mean “normie”, etc.

  2. I just learned about ネカマ today. Basically a dude pretending to be a woman online. Taken from ネット (internet) and おかま (feminine/gay man).

  3. Well I know some Japanese vulgarity thanks to a book I bought in HS called Zakennayo the real Japanese they won’t teach you in school. I only remember a few though as I lost that book years ago. The title ざけんなよ essentially means Fuck off in Japanese

    まんこ is a rude term to refer to female anatomy

    インチキ is iirc calling someone a baby dick

    おっぱい is slang (I think) for tits.

    Hmmm trying to think here, I seem to remember them saying the english letter H can sometimes be used for a slang term for sex.

    ばかやろう is calling someone a bastard I believe (but anyone who watches anime probably knows that already)

  4. – 卍 (まんじ) = マジ which is already slang or mjd = マジで
    – 垢 short for アカウント – most common use: 裏垢

    not abbreviations but general (net) slang i’ve come across fairly often:
    – suffix なう – “doing <thing> atm” or “currently at <place>”
    – 尊い = 最高 sorta; it even has its own [wikipedia page](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B0%8A%E3%81%84)
    – パイセン = 先輩
    – めっちゃ / クソ / 超 (or 極) before words – comparable to “af” in english (クソ〇〇 could also be “fuckin <adjective>”; hell, some people like visual novel scenarist [watanabe ryouichi](https://twitter.com/watanaberyoichi) straight up just use ファッキン)

  5. I’ll try to add more to the list:


    沼落ち  Literally means swamp falling, but is used nowadays to refer to being addicted to something or joining a fandom.

    例:けーぽ沼に落ちた or けーぽマジで沼


    ぴえん  It means something like “sob”, sound of someone sobbing. It’s how people read this emoji 🥺


    ググる To google something.

    例:ググれカス or simply ggrks (this is rather old lol)


    じわる Abbreviation of じわじわくる. It means something that’s not particularly funny but it becomes funnier and funnier the more you look at.


    レベチ Abbreviation of レベルが違う. It means someone or something is on another level, another league.


    ま? Just an abbreviation of マジ, same meaning as 本当 or 本気.



    ワンチャン Oh god, this is used A LOT to the point I hate it LOL. It’s abbreviation of “one chance”. It means “maybe” or “there’s a chance”.


  6. abbreviations

    あたおか 頭おかしい

    フェラ fellatio (BJ)

    クニ cunnilingus

    クリ clitoris

    セクハラ sexual harassment

    なつっ 懐かしい

    おらやま/裏山 羨ましい

    めんど/めんどい めんどくさい

    鼻ピ nose piercing

    マクド (kansai) マック (kanto) McDonalds

    スタバ Starbucks

    リモコン remote control

    クソゲ クソゲーム stupid game ie. free mobile games with simple premise



    other / onomatopoeia

    ちょっぴり ちょっと

    ガリガリ skinny

    ギリギリ just in time / something that just makes it, just barely fits etc.

    ゴロゴロ being lazy, doing nothing: literally rolling around

    ゴム condom (literally rubber)

    ムラムラ horny

    メロメロ lovey dovey

    タピる to drink tapioca (bubble tea)

    バリ kansai-ben used same way as めっちゃ

    3P, 4P threesome, foursome

    パパ活 ママ活 sugar daddy, sugar mama

    ふにゃふにゃ floppy

    ふにゃチン soft/floppy dick

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