Is Busuu any good for Japanese (alongside other study)

I’ve been studying for 3 months at this point using Anki and Wanikani and i’m looking for ways to actually use the words and kanji i’ve learnt. I gave Busuu a go and it seems pretty good, but i’m always wary of sites that use a duolingo type structure. It’s easy to feel like you’re learning the language when in reality you’re making very slow progress.

Is it worth using or are there better alternatives?

  1. I always wondered.. them being a company working with languages… did they not check what their company/product name means in other languages?

  2. I used it for a little while.
    I only used the course a little though.
    I found the best use of the app was to use the weekly challenges to practice speaking, you can record your answers and have native speakers give feedback which is pretty useful 😀.

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