What to do when you lose your phone in Tokyo, Japan?

Left my phone in a taxi (through Uber). I realized it within 10 minutes. Luckily my significant other had tracking. So I was able to keep watch of where my phone went. Unfortunately I didn’t get a receipt from the taxi. That was mistake one. Secondly, I couldn’t login into the Uber app from another phone due to all the 2FA I had setup from my email to Uber itself.

Things I tried:
1. Ask hotel concierge to call the taxi company. I remembered the 4 digit license plate of the taxi. Problem was I didn’t remember the taxi company. Tokyo has over 300 taxi companies. No way they could just pickup and start calling.

2. Go to Shinjuku police station and file a lost and found report. I showed the lady officer the tracking on my SO’s phone and even told her exactly where it was. At this point the phone was turned in by the taxi driver to a police box station. It was super promising. I had a hunch that my phone was turned in to a police box station near Harajuku so I was them to call them. Much to my dismay, Shinjuku police station could not confirm that my phone was there.

3. Took a trip down to the police box station where I believed the courteous taxi driver had dropped off my phone. According to tracking, the phone was there for the last 30 mins and the phone was now turned off.


Showed up and google translated to the officer the description of my phone, time I lost it, time I think the taxi driver turned it in, show them a copy of the lost and found report from Shinjuku, as well as show them my SO’s tracking of my phone.

The officer looked surprised and busted a smile behind his mask. He quickly went to the back to retrieve my phone. I was so appreciative I just kept saying thank you. I then showed them my passport and filled out some paperwork and was off with my phone.

Overall process took 2 hours. I am not the type to lose anything. However, I fell asleep on that Uber ride and my phone must’ve slipped from my pocket. Moral of the story, share location when traveling. Saved my butt.

  1. FYI if using an iPhone, you can always access the location of your phone via “Find my”, which can be accessed through any other Apple device via “Help a friend” feature, or through the web interface. No need to explicitly share your location with others.

  2. Glad you got it back! Cool to see how they helped you out.

    I’m scared of this happening, that’s why I do “the patdown” every few seconds.

    Keys, cards, phone, wallet, tissues.

    *5 minutes later*

    Keys, cards, phone, wallet, tissues.

    *5 minutes later while navigating on Maps*

    Keys, cards, pho… omg my phone, where is – oh, it’s in my hand… – phone, wallet, tissues.

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