May 2024 Itinerary (solo, Tokyo, Kiso Valley, Kyoto)

I am in my 30s and love food, exploring areas by foot (both urban and nature) and just Japanese culture as a whole. I have a whirlwind trip as couldn’t be away from the kids for too long but as I am travelling solo (and travelling from Aus so won’t have jetlag) think I should be able to pack in a lot more than a group would. Any thoughts/feedback are greatly appreciated!

24-26 May Tokyo (Hyatt House Shibuya)

Day 1

Arrive Haneda 5:30am (carry-on only, I will have a small bag so can probably just keep it on my back or put it in lockers during the morning)

Head to Tsukiji for breakfast

Shibuya to drop luggage off at hotel, then walk Shibuya – Meiji Jingu – Harajuku – Omotesando – back to hotel

Rest at hotel then maybe a night free walking tour of Shinjuku or Shibuya depending how I am feeling

Day 2

Senso-ji in the early-ish morning (it is a Saturday, will 9am be ok to miss huge crowds? I may otherwise do it at the end of the day and instead get a train to Ueno in the morning)

Walk to Ueno via Kappabashi St (maybe the National Museum depending on timing, mood)

Ameyoko Shopping Street, walk on to Akihabara (not a huge fan of gaming etc but would like to walk through the area and maybe try a claw game, get some gashapon or shop for some games for my boys – they are not huge gamers but have a Nintendo Switch. I have read Book Off is a better option than Super Potato, is that correct? Any other shops I should check out? Otherwise I would be happy to just walk around)

Train to Ryogoku Kokugikan to watch sumo (It is the Saturday of the last weekend of the tournament, but I am assuming I should be able to get a ticket for 1 person if I book on the day they are released).

I may do Senso-ji at the end of the day instead if I haven’t done it previously, after the sumo tournament finishes. Is it nice to walk along Sumida River or not really?

26-27 May Kiso Valley (probably Daikichi in Tsumago, need to book still)

Day 3

Forward luggage to Kyoto, I will just have a small backpack with me.

Train from Shibuya – Shinjuku – Matsumoto. Can I buy the ticket for Shinjuku-Matsumoto in advance from Shibuya Station, or only Shinjuku?

For Matsumoto, I will likely have 10/11am – 3/4pm (depending what trains I end up catching). I am hoping this is enough time, how long did people spend at the Castle (I only have a general interest, ie wow this is a cool castle with history and good architecture, rather than a major interest).

The Matsumoto Craft Fair is on, has anyone been, is it worth visiting?

I also would like to go to the City Museum of Arts and Ishii Miso. (has anyone been to either and can recommend or otherwise?). I think I am going to have to prioritise what I do this day!!

Train to Nagiso and walk/taxi to Tsumago for night

Day 4

Walk Tsumago-Magome, catch bus to Nagoya Station from Chuodo Magome at 12.25 or 1.13.

Train to Kyoto Station and check in to hotel.

If feeling up for it head to Nishiki Market, or Fushimi Inari, or just soak in hotel sento!

27-31 May Kyoto (Royal Twin Hotel Hachijoguchi)

(note the order of these days will change depending how I feel/weather etc)

Day 5

Train to Arashiyama (bamboo forest, Otagi Nenbutsu-ji, Adashino Nenbutsu-ji, lunch at Tenryuji Temple Shigetsu). I plan to arrive 7.30ish. May head to monkey park also, depending on interest on the day (anything on this list people don’t recommend?)

Train back to hotel for rest then have afternoon/evening free – either Fushimi-Inari or train to Nishiki market, then walk through Higashiyama area, maybe all the way to Kiyomizu-dera (arriving around 5/5:30pm to miss crowds) (has anyone walked Nishiki market -> Kiyomizu-dera, if so how long did it take?)

Day 6

Train to Nara (mostly just have a passing interest here, I imagine by now I will be getting templed out, want to see Todai-ji and maybe Kasuga Taisha, maybe Nakatanidou)

Train to Namba. Walk around and visit Dotombori area, Kuromon Ichiba, Nipponbashi Den Den Town, Shin Sekai (has anyone walked all the way from Dotombori to Shin Sekai?). Train back to Kyoto

Day 7

Train to Kurama, walk to Kibune. Flowing noodles if I can get in without much wait or another lunch on an outside deck.

Train to Fushimi sake area, visit Gekkeikan Okura Sake Museum.

Train to Uji, Byodi-in and maybe Chazuna or else matcha dessert/tea somewhere.

(this day is not usually in the must see in 3 days Kyoto itinerary but I really love the sound of it all so struggling to cut it).

Day 8

Early train to Chubu Airport for flight at 10:30am

Any general feedback is also appreciated. I also feel like (know) my Kyoto itinerary is looking very tight. I have 3 full days (+ an afternoon from around 3pm) and really want to experience lots of different things so can’t work out what my priorities may be. I don’t want to visit too many temples but want that mix of history and nature that I think I have in there along with foody goodness (hence Osaka, Uji, Fushimi Sake Village).

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