Jobs Recs (teaching, marketing, language study)

Hi everyone! Currently, I am living in Taiwan, I am American and I am teaching. I am hoping to move to Tokyo, or another major city in Japan. Are there any programs that you would recommend for foreigners to either work or study Japanese? I am hoping to live in Japan for about a year and I was looking for something that pays well to pay off my student loans. I hold a bachelor’s degree and have teaching experience as well. Thank you!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Jobs Recs (teaching, marketing, language study)**

    Hi everyone! Currently, I am living in Taiwan, I am American and I am teaching. I am hoping to move to Tokyo, or another major city in Japan. Are there any programs that you would recommend for foreigners to either work or study Japanese? I am hoping to live in Japan for about a year and I was looking for something that pays well to pay off my student loans. I hold a bachelor’s degree and have teaching experience as well. Thank you!

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  2. If you just want to live in Japan for 1 year, then might just apply for a job that can sponsor you a visa, or JET program. JET program is not really good for your long-term career because it seems easy to get in but hard to get out of its shadow, but the salary is okay

  3. Teaching English in Japan is notorious for very low salaries and bad conditions and won’t help pay your student loans as most of your money will go towards survival. Having teaching experience doesn’t matter much as just being a native speaker and having a bachelor’s is enough to quality.

    As for programs there’s the JET program but that is a long process of applying and many interviews with the results only being available nearly a year later. If you go this route, you can’t choose where you end up (just preferences), you might be put in a small town where you’re the only foreigner and no one around speaks English.

    If you mean licenced teaching then that is very competitive and for just a year no one will hire you.

    You can check out r/teachinginjapan for more info on that.

    Of course you can easily go to language school but it is expensive and for just a year won’t get you far along learning Japanese (maybe conversational). It should be a fun experience if that’s what you’re after.

  4. > Are there any programs that you would recommend for foreigners to either work or study Japanese?

    Enroll in a language school and have the money needed for the visa.

    Teaching? Unless you are a teacher with related degrees, licenses and experience, you aren’t going to get a good job here. Without qualifications, the only thing available is minimum wage “rent a gaijin” entertainment services.

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