Has anyone experienced SPI?

I got through two rounds of interviews and I guess the next step is an SPI. I’ve never done this as a tradesmen before – is it common? My Japanese friend said perhaps study before hand, is it just an aptitude test or are there skill questions? Is it standardized?

  1. Most of the time it’s just an aptitude test. But they can be skill based, like basic algebra or logic questions. They can also test Japanese/English reading comprehension as well. It’s best to ask your recruiter.

  2. Yes 😂 It’s hard…. For my case last time , it consists of three parts: Japanese language (like jlpt, but I feel harder due to the time constraints, like 1 minute per questions), logic (like math case) and personality test.

    Nor many company have those too. I only just had a SPI test just once from many companies I’ve applied to.

    You can learn from like websites or YouTube! i’d recommend a channel called: おいなりさん (SPI対策)

    Good luck!

  3. Not all jobs have it. I interviewed for a managerial position and I had to do an aptitude/math logic test including E.Q as my role requires it. Nothing more than just base assessment.

  4. There are plenty of reference books with examples and exercises. Is not a difficult test if you speak decent japanese.

  5. Special Perineum Inspection? Nothing you can do to prepare. You either got a big taint or you’re shit out of luck.

  6. As was mentioned, it’s a red flag. Modern, good companies don’t bother with this bullshit. Be ready for a ludicrously traditional and domestic work environment.

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