Cost of basic dental visits?

I have been living here a year and I am wondering how much dental visits cost for say a new patient at a dental clinic? x-rays, cleaning and if needed, a filling. our National health covers 70%? so what do you guys pay for routine cleanings typically?


Edit: Wow i didnt think it would be so affordable. filling a cavity back home would cost around $150-$200 per filling if you wanted porcelain, a little cheaper if its composite. I have a dentist across my apartment so i might go there in january.

  1. I don’t know the exact prices but its not much. All the basic stuff is like 1000 ~ 2500 yen.

  2. I visit an English speaking dentist in Minatou and that’s expensive I think but roughly ¥2,600

  3. Usually no more than 2500 yen, expect when there’s an x-ray involved (once a year I think?) it usually adds about 1000 yen or so. I think the first visit as a new patient was a little more expensive too.

  4. First trip to a new dentist, they might ask you to come three times for the whole service of X-rays, check, and cleaning. Maybe 5-6K in the end. I’ve had cavities filled for like another 1500-2K.

    Routine check and cleaning is like 3500 for me. Second visit for just cleaning can run like 900yen.

  5. Your first visit to a new dentist should be around 3000 yen and that covers examination and x-rays. If you need plaque removal or cavity repair, expect another 2000-3000 yen depending on how much work you need. Afterwards, regular cleaning every six months should be around 2000 yen or less.

  6. Just had cleaning and 1 xray, was 2700 yen.

    Needed a crown fo fix one cavity. First visit for that was 2100 yen for numbing, grinding it out, taking a mold of the area and covering it. Will be going back next week for the permanent crown.

  7. Not cleaning but I had my wisdom teeth taken out last year. 7000 yen ish (after insurance) including x rays, consultation. cleaning should be cheaper

  8. I’m visiting Japan next month, and weirdly enough I never knew I wanted to stumble into a topic like this. My basic cleaning costs me $100 USD where I am and seeing the low rates you all say here wants me to get it done over in Japan instead.

    Have any recommendations around in Tokyo area that may be a bit foreign friendly?

  9. For you edit, porcelain fillings here arent cover by insurance and will be quite pricey depending on the size, I had quite a large one recently it set me back 50k yen. If I wanted a metal one though it would have been a few thousand yen, sadly a composite filling wasnt an option since it wouldnt have been durable enough. But minor fillings you can get done with composite on insurance for a couple thousand.

  10. Yup its very affordable and high quality.
    The only things are :

    -Some things aren’t covered by dental insurance, so thats why the dentists who do cosmetic or porcelain are rich

    -Japanese dentists often want you to come back really soon, they will often stretch out treatments. Like if you have 3 cavities they might do two the first day ,and have you come back for the 3rd. Or tell you come back for more cleaning. You can always just say no to that. But in any event thats a good reason to go to the one near your appartment.

  11. It’s really cheap. In the past 24 months I’ve had so much work done on my teeth, probably about 25 visits and in total it would have cost me less than ¥100,000. That is of course as long as you have health insurance.

  12. A few thousand yen usually BUT they will only do one treatment per visit so you have to go many times.

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