Volleyball in Tokyo?

Hi, college student currently studying abroad in Japan for the year here! My college is super small and doesn’t have a big volleyball presence but I’m really into volleyball. Unfortunately not good enough to play/join a team, even a small for-fun one (believe me, middle and high school was enough to prove that I’m not cut out for it) but I love watching it. I’m totally down to spend some money to watch a professional VLeague game but most are significantly far out from Tokyo and so I’m thinking I plan a mini trip around going to watch a D1 game in January. In the meanwhile, I want to find some more local options for watching volleyball! Which brings me to my question: how do you find leagues near you? I did some brief internet searching and it seems like the intercollegiate leagues are off-season, but I feel like in the entirety of Tokyo there’s gotta be some kind of league that’s currently operating. Any recommendations or advice greatly appreciated!

1 comment
  1. Why do you say volleyball games are far out from Tokyo? For example, there is a D1 game on Nov 26 in Yoyogi, Tokyo. And if you extend your interest to D2 and D3, there are one female D2 team and 3 male D3 teams in Tokyo. You can go watch games there.

    If we want to get information on volleyball, we can check the [official website of V-league](https://www.vleague.jp/).

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