Drain Flies – part II

First thank you for all your tips and replies on part I.
So what happened since then is that I noticed that at the place where the bathtub touches the wall, there is a gap.. and there is no silicon joint.
So I wondered if the water might flow inside this gap and damage all the stuff and attract all the drain flies.
So I took my cellphone and from a small hatch under a ridge next to the bathtub, I snapped photos (the hatch is tiny, barely the space for the phone to fit in).
Oh boy. It is very nasty down there, no wonder why I have drain flies.

The problem is: how the fuck will I clean that as all is sealed??
Should I call a company, have them removing the bathtub and clean under it? How comes they don’t think about a hatch to access this part??
(PS: I own the place, so all is on me)

  1. Our water heater was leaking and left a puddle of water we didn’t see and we got drain flies bad. It took two years to get rid of them. They ended up in our bathtub drain and sink. Nightmare! We used this blue gooey liquid from Amazon which helped. They are hard to get rid of unfortunately.

  2. You might be able to unscrew or lift out the tub somehow. Look for screws or something that allows the tub to be removed in some way.

  3. How big is the gap? Perhaps you can seal it yourself with household grouter. Might be worth checking with the management company if they are ok with that.

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