want to study in japan when in college

Hi everyone, I’m a 17 y/o studying in the US. I’m applying to colleges rn and I’m pretty sure I’d get into a decent school in my country, however I do want to go to japan to study for a year in college so what I’m thinking is that I could take an international exchange option when I’m in college. Does this plan sound reasonable and has anyone done it here? tips appreciated.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **want to study in japan when in college**

    Hi everyone, I’m a 17 y/o studying in the US. I’m applying to colleges rn and I’m pretty sure I’d get into a decent school in my country, however I do want to go to japan to study for a year in college so what I’m thinking is that I could take an international exchange option when I’m in college. Does this plan sound reasonable and has anyone done it here? tips appreciated.

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  2. Sounds realistic just make sure the college you go to has that kind of program. I haven’t heard of a studying abroad for a year usually it’s more like a semester

  3. Not sure what country you are from, but look into the differences between study abroad and student exchange.

    I did a student exchange for a year. This is when universities have direction partnerships with universities in other countries. I did this for free.

    Study abroad at my uni was done through companies and cost a lot of money.

  4. That sounds like a reasonable plan, but you must choose a US university that has exchange programs with Japanese universities. For the most part, Japanese universities only accept exchange students from universities they have agreements with— hence the word “exchange” (since the Japanese university sends students to the foreign university as well).

    Not all US universities have robust exchange programs or exchange with Japanese universities.

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