COE Trouble

I’m in need of some help. I recently received my COE for an English teaching position that I am no longer pursuing. I have made it known that I will no longer be working there. Now I am still looking for another position, but what do I do with my COE from my last job I was considering? Do I still need to apply for another COE or do I keep this one? I’ve also heard that it will pose more trouble now that I have already been granted a COE, and searching for another one will just be even more difficult. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  1. You’ll need to return the COE to the company that obtained it for you, so they can withdraw your application. This needs to be done *before* any other company tries to apply a(nother) COE for you.

    According to [this law firm article](, if you have more than one COE application, the COE will not be issued / be denied.

    From [this old FAQ from Keio](, if duplicate COE applications are made, no COE will be issued.

    It’s unclear if immigration will reveal the reason why your COE application was not issued/denied; but once that happens, I would think that most companies would just withdraw their job offer, rather than check in with you and/or wait and reapply for you again.

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