New WWS Episode: Who do we “thank” for New Japan altering it’s traditional foreign star making approaches?

In the past, a foreign star would get signed away, and New Japan would use that as an opportunity to elevate the next generation. AJ leaves, time to push Omega; and in the best case, the later would assume the role and responsibility of the former.

Now, with the AEWxNJPW relationship, when a huge star leaves, they don’t ‘technically’ leave (despite rarely returning) and as such, there appears to be no reason to push someone to fill that role.

What impact will such a scenario have on New Japan’s conventional star making approaches?

Listen to the Stiff Bois explore this and more impacts on this weeks episode:

  1. >when a huge star leaves, they don’t ‘technically’ leave (despite rarely returning) and as such, there appears to be no reason to push someone to fill that role.

    I understand that no one wanted Finley to take the spot of Jay but ignoring him completely seems a bit rude.

  2. I don’t really understand the premise. Have they not been trying to elevate Finlay? Did ZSJ not steadily rise up the card? Did they not sign two foreign young lions who should be ready for excursion (or in Oleg’s case possibly direct promotion) soon? Where is the evidence that they’re NOT elevating gaijin talent? They have been constantly.

    Osprey also hasn’t left yet and there’s no proof they WON’T elevate someone as defacto UEJ leader.

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