1. What else were you all expecting with an over bloated roster like AEW? Now that Ospreay is signed, it’ll be a while before Jay White wins the World title (if ever).

  2. Let’s not pretend his New Japan matches weren’t laden with time-wasting and interference. His G1 bouts in clap crowds were mercilessly panned.

  3. You should’ve used the pic of HHH from ~2004 or whenever it was when he was super fat and completely out of shape.

  4. I mean if I’m getting paid more and don’t have to sit on a plane 15 hours, yeah I’d feather my hair too.

  5. Dude proved he couldn’t beat a one legged man in an asswhooping contest. Overbooked nonsense.

  6. I mean this is pretty accurate because HHH was consistently in boring matches in WCW and WWE and was arguably worse when he was the champ doing 40 minute selling fests in WWE.

  7. People acting like Jay white is getting buried. Its One loss. Probably his first single loss in AEW, chill. If you dont think this guys the future then your nuts.

  8. He’s wrestling the exact same matches he did in NJPW and has lost a grand total of once but go off lmao

  9. The end of Wrestle Kingdom this year had Jay White curled up around Okada’s feet in the fetal position after losing to him.

  10. Ive said this before but if always thought Jay was the spiritual successor to devitts vision of BC

    I liked BCG at first until they became budget DX

    I do like cardblade though

  11. Careful OP. There’s AEW heads that can’t take a joke, even if Gedo and Jado can’t book worth a shit nowadays.

  12. He should have never lost to a one-legged man in any main event. His feud was great, but the way it finished made him look so weak.

  13. Well, its obviously the case of NJPW being a pool and AEW or WWE being Oceans, theres more big fish vying for the top.
    There are names and gimmicks that are pulling more eyes.

  14. Umm no, he was and is treated like a top guy there, don’t forget his first singles loss came at the hands of the world champion barely

  15. I don’t understand as I don’t follow AEW. I know he lost a title match, but what is this meme supposed to mean?

  16. It’s so funny to me how people here say this sub talks more about AEW and NJPW. If you go into their comment history the majority of them never goes into any thread that isn’t about AEW.

    Almost like they never intended to talk about NJPW lol

  17. Jay White went from a Rated-R, Machiavellian version of the Switchblade to a PG-13, Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain version of the Switchblade.

    But honestly, he’s still really enjoyable to watch in this more cartoonish incarnation. It’s like Glenn Close coming off of Fatal Attraction and deciding to instead be Cruella De Vil in 101 Dalmations.

  18. So what happens if he wins the title—is that stipulation still in effect? He can’t show up on Strong? That’s dumb.

  19. Bc Gold is just too goofy and it brings Jay White down. Him carrying the belt without being champion for a month is borderline offensive to have him do. Feel like it made both Jay White and MJf look bad

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