English-Taught program in Japan

Hello. If my question is asked before, sorry for that and please send me the link of it.

I’m applying for universities in Japan such as **Ritsumeikan**, **Waseda**, **Aizu**, **Kyusho** …. for **undergraduate international** Computer-Science related programs.I mailed to them to ask for possibility of being accepted but as it is obvious they said it is not possible to answer that question. So I don’t have any sight about my chance so I like to share a background of myself for those who have the experience of applying in these universities. I’m 23 and my **GPA** is 3.6. My **IELTS** score is 7 and I took an **ACT** exam ( the score was not satisfying ) , composite 22 but mathematics is 33. I have 2 years work experience as Web-Developer, I have seen that some of them ask for any work experience or any study out of school.

The Ritsumeikan announcement is in 2 weeks I guess and the term will begin in April and that is the problem. Other universities deadline start in late April So I don’t know do I have any chance with Waseda, Aizo or Kyusho or not. Should I wait for their deadline and loose my chance in Ritsumeikan? In my own opinion I really like aizu the most, but it needs ACT science score too which I got 22.

I’m looking forward for your kind answers.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **English-Taught program in Japan**

    Hello. If my question is asked before, sorry for that and please send me the link of it.

    I’m applying for universities in Japan such as **Ritsumeikan**, **Waseda**, **Aizu**, **Kyusho** …. for Computer-Science related programs.
    I mailed to them to ask for possibility of being accepted but as it is obvious they said it is not possible to answer that question. So I don’t have any sight about my chance so I like to share a background of myself for those who have the experience of applying in these universities. I’m 23 and my **GPA** is 3.6. My **IELTS** score is 7 and I took an **ACT** exam ( the score was not satisfying ) , composite 22 but mathematics is 33. I have 2 years work experience as Web-Developer, I have seen that some of them ask for any work experience or any study out of school.

    The Ritsumeikan announcement is in 2 weeks I guess and the term will begin in April and that is the problem. Other universities deadline start in late April So I don’t know do I have any chance with Waseda, Aizo or Kyusho or not. Should I wait for their deadline and loose my chance in Ritsumeikan? In my own opinion I really like aizu the most, but it needs ACT science score too which I got 22.

    I’m looking forward for your kind answers.

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  2. Community college in the USA is cheaper and higher quality than any English based program in Japan. Don’t waste your money on a Japanese degree that won’t be recognized anywhere.

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