How to file a restraining order

My ex bf and I broke up. Months ago. He is stalking me. Calling me, messaging me. He won’t stop.

I want to file a restraining order in Japan.

Does anyone know how to do that?

  1. Happened to my wife when we met. Her ex was obsessive.

    She went to the nearest police station and explained the situation to them.

  2. Keep evidence of him contacting you (all messages and call logs) and take it to the nearest police station (not a koban).

    Stay safe, op

  3. You have to file it at a court. But I guess you can’t make legal documents in Japanese. If so, all you can do is to go to a lawyer and ask him to make and file it. But you have to pay hundreds of thousands of yen.

  4. does that actually work? I mean if somebody send you message you can block their number, but who can enforce that a person is not allowed to call or text a certain phone number? just curious

  5. I recommend you go to a lawyer, not to a police station.
    The lawyer will tell you the best course of action and the best way to approach it

  6. Is he African? My wife has been dating a black man, and I don’t see him backing off easy. Good luck.

  7. Have you not thought about blocking your number if he keeps calling and messaging you?

    Now, if he starts showing up at your apartment or place of work, that’s a different story.

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