Fluticasone Furoate Nasal Spray

Relatively new to Japan and have a chronic sinus condition.

The one thing that keeps it in check is Avamys, a Fluticasone furoate nasal spray. I’ve unfortunately run out and am struggling as a result.

I’ve never had an issue getting this over the counter before, but the brand name doesn’t seem to exist here and I’m struggling to find it in pharmacies here – can’t tell if it’s just the language barrier or if it’s not available.

Anyone know if there’s a nasal spray with this active ingredient available OTC in Japan?

  1. IDK if it has the ingredients you’re looking for or not but I use a nasal spray called Nazal to get a few hours of relief for my chronic sinusitis when it flares up. There is also an OTC herbal remedy in tablet and powder form called Chikunain (チクナイン) that works well for my chronic sinusitis.

  2. I think you might be looking for アラミスト. I know how messed up your nose can get if you decide to start taking the wrong medication or change medication so I wouldn’t look for an OTC. You said you’re new so you might not know that the good stuff here is prescribed even if it was super normal OTC at home.

    Aramist can only be prescribed by a doctor and I get mine from an ENT. However you could take a shot by going to a clinic and telling them exactly what you want.

  3. Fluticasone is a corticosteroid and is therefore regulated, so you’ll need to go and see a doctor to get a prescription for your nasal spray.

  4. Flunase フルナーゼ is available semi-OTC – you have to talk to a pharmacist before they will give it to you, and it would help if you show them your empty bottle.

    The web site is here https://www.flunase.jp/ and the active ingredient is Fluticasone propionate.

    Last time I bought it, it was about 1500 yen, although with a prescription you can get generics for about 400 yen.

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