Do grades in college matter?

I made less than stellar grades at university and have failed a class or two. Will that hurt my chances at getting accepted?

  1. Nope. They just want the worlds most expensive piece of paper for the visa. What you pass with to get it has no impact.

  2. I failed 3 classes because of Covid and they asked me about it during the interview— as long as you’re able to explain what happened it should be fine! They ended up accepting me anyway.

  3. Not sure what your GPA is, but I graduated with a 2.9, mostly Bs and Cs with a failed class freshman year. They didn’t ask any questions about my grades, only asked generally what I learned in my program. I ended up getting accepted. Hope that helps some

  4. Hahaha no….. I had an avg GPA of 2.4 in college and managed to graduate from college and university. Its your experience that matters

  5. Hey man – full disclosure- I’ve got a few degrees and qualifications so quantity might have helped. There were definitely some BIG L’s on my transcript but they still chose me 😛

    From experience I think the three big things are a) why you’re going to Japan, b) that you won’t dip if it gets too hard (A lot of people do and it was a huge part of my interview) and c) you won’t embarrass the program/be a jerk to your coworkers and students

    The degree stuff seems largely administrative on part of the visa requirement

  6. Well I assume all Fs might … but generally speaking your degree is for visa purposes

  7. In general, no your grades don’t matter. If you transcript is super rough and you limped over the finish line to graduation, it might be a good idea to address any relevant issues, how you overcame them and how that experience struggling through adversity will aide you in Japan etc. in your statement of purpose. Try to turn a weakness in to a strength if possible. “I wasn’t the best student in school, but my experiences will allow to better connect to academically challenged students because I know what it’s like to be in their position” etc.

  8. I got kicked out of my first university for terrible grades. Did ok at the school I eventually graduated from though

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