How to combine two words, please help

Please don’t judge me :'( I’m a singer/songwritter and tho I’m studying classical singing, I also started to join a local idol movent in my country and since I’ve been a fan since childhood I would like to try anisinging to then publish my own songs.

So I’m looking for a cute short name that combines the word two/duo/pair and such with the word wings/feather/fly/elevate and such.

I mean concepts around “two”, things related and synonymous; and concepts about “air”, things related and synonymous combined in one cute name ahahaha

Any help is very appreciated and I’m so thankfull for u to read.

I would apreciate also help with the kanji or harigana of it.
Again, thank u so much for reading.

1 comment
  1. 千翼 comes to mind and ニ羽 but it seems you’re asking in the opposite way names are given

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