Shogaisha Techo Question

So, I’ve been living in Japan almost a year now and have been reading about this shogaisha techo but none of my doctors have heard of it or think it applies for me.

I know it’s hard to judge from a short paragraph but I have Crohns disease, need active injections twice monthly and have a lot of days each month where I’m very ill.

I have an IBS doc here in Yokohama but he says I don’t qualify. However my company believes I should be able to qualify and I’ve read various places that Crohns qualifies you.

I’m just at a loss. It’s not that I want the benefits solely from this certificate but mainly that if I have it my work will be required to give me more paid time off.

I’m not making a huge amount so every day I need to take off eats into my salary which jeopardizes me being able to afford my costly treatment.

I would love to hear from anyone that might know what’s going on and if my doc is correct that I don’t have a claim.

(Crohns, Partial bowel resection and obstructions in the past, monthly biologic injections) I’m on a year to year visa, living in Yokohama. I work for a Japanese company so they’re required to report disabled workers to the gov hence why they keep mentioning it to me.

  1. Get a second, or even a third doctor to look it over – If they all say No, then there *likely* isn’t a case to be had.

  2. If your doctors haven’t heard of the shogaisha techo, that’s a major problem. I would stay away from them if I could help it.

    Moving on, Crohn’s IS an illness eligible for the techo. Whether or not you qualify is a separate issue that we can’t for sure say. In general, you can qualify depending on the severity of your condition and its effect on your daily life. Having Crohn’s alone doesn’t seem to make one eligible.

    Seek assistance from other specialists if you want a second opinion. However, note that your case may be ineligible. You should also consult with the city hall to see what you can do. At the very least you can try to get the application form from them and then later discuss it with your doctor.

  3. I have the certificate and it all started with my doctor stating I qualify and at what level – it also has to be redone annually.

    Go to a larger hospital and inquire – Yokohama citizens hospital, Minato Red Cross hospital, etc., but you might need a referral.

    The larger hospitals will generally provide assistance in English for the process and forms as well.

  4. There is pretty much zero possibility they haven’t heard of such a thing, so they didn’t understand what you were saying, or they were fibbing, or something.

    From my image, usually it applies to people who are in wheelchairs, etc.

  5. Another option to add to what everyone has already said: is it possible the misunderstanding is coming from a conflation of IBS and IBD? Crohn’s is an IBD but you said you had an “IBS doctor”.

    Do they acknowledge that you actually have Crohn’s (which seems to be the case, given the bowel resections) or is *their* diagnosis IBS “only”?

  6. You need to go to your local health office (保健所) not city hall. They’ll help you fill out the forms and everything. As others have pointed out, whether you’re eligible for the techo or not depends entirely on the severity of your case but they should be able to tell you that too.

    Prepare yourself for tons ‘o paperwork.

    Good luck.

  7. My son has autism and I recently went through the process of issuing it for him but at the city hall they told me that it’s basically only for transportation discounts or parking space. It doesn’t really do much as I’ve gathered. Maybe I misunderstood? What else can you do with a techo like that?

  8. It’s all in Japanese but might be useful to you with a translator:
    障 害 程 度 等 級 表 一 障害程度等級表解説

    It’s a document from the prefecture of Yamagata explaining the levels of disability. As you are still working, I see why the doctors might say you might not apply. Take a look at the 1級 (level 1) definition and see if it seems like what you’re going through.

    But don’t take this as medical advice. Definitely talk to a doctor to make sure.

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