Canceled Biglobe WiMAX service back in June but they charged me 220 yen last month & this month

I could write an essay about why I really don’t like this company but I won’t. I had pocket wifi with them and canceled my service after 6 years (and they still charged me a hefty fee after so long). The charge on my account says “電話 KDDIリヨウキン.” Which makes no sense because I never had a phone number with them. Has anyone dealt with this before? I have to call customer service but I don’t know when I’ll be able to since they have the most inconvenient hours (8am to 12pm and again from 1pm to 5pm which are my exact working hours🙃) Or am I actually misunderstanding and this is a charge from Rakuten? It wouldn’t make sense either because this 220 yen is being charged AFTER my Rakuten bill is charged…

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