I knew they had general text recognition built into screenshots, but not translation. Take a screenshot > tap the ‘Crop and scale, or select text’ button bottom right > the translate button shows up to the left. It’s not perfect but it’s much faster than importing into Google Translate. It also does text in images. Handy for crappy Japanese apps.
Or…you just select the text and tap again for the menu to pop out, which includes translate.
you can also do this in LINE with any images in your chats (or even if you just attach and image, before you send it), there is a button that looks like [ A ]
Sounds great but doesn’t work on my
iPhone 15. There is no crop and scale button after taking a screenshot.
Works on photos, too. If you take a picture of a sign you see in the wild, find the photo in your Photo Gallery, then highlight the kanji and select “translate” in the pop-up menu.
FYI, Android(at least on my Pixel 6) has this too. Take a screenshot and it usually recognizes that it’s not in English and offers to translate. If it doesn’t then just open up Google Translate and go to the photo/camera option. Should see photos in bottom left corner and can select the screenshot and should translate it. I use this all the time.