Gf has thousands of dollars worth of my things and won’t let me in the house to get them.

I’ve been here for 2 weeks. Don’t have a job yet and barely speak the language

I went out for a smoke this morning to clear my head and now my girlfriend won’t let me in to grab my things and leave.

I packed everything last night and was planning to leave today.

Has anyone experienced anything like this before? Do I need to call the police?

She is Japanese so I’m worried they will take her side over mine. Or perhaps she’ll spin the story somehow to get me in trouble.

  1. she locked you out.

    can we get her side of what happened cause usually something triggers such actions.

    stay calm and don’t escalate things.

  2. sorry for what you are going through but dude wth did I just read 😹😹

    PS: were you able to sneak in??

  3. You all need to learn Japanese before you start sticking your dick into Gaijin Hunter hub girls lol.

  4. What would the police need to take one person’s word against another’s regarding? Do you think she will deny she has your things? If you think that’s the the only way that’ll get your stuff back, contact the police. They won’t take her word without question.

  5. Lay off the poor chap. Sounds like he moved across the world to be with a tinder special. A Japanese siren if you will.

  6. This can’t be real.

    Been here for two weeks? No job yet? Can’t speak Japanese? Living with your batshit crazy girlfriend? Planning to leave today?

    If this is real, why did you even come? lol.

  7. Sheesh, a lot of commenters in this thread seem to have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

  8. The first few months in a new country can be stressful. This is especially so if you both moved here together. People react differently under stress. I don’t think you’re going to get any kind of one size fits all answer from the average of crowd sourced opinions from random people on the internet. I think your best chance of a positive outcome is to go and talk to your girlfriend. And more importantly, listen to what she has to say. We have no facts, but this might be her first time living with someone, and even if not, many migrants can be completely helpless when first coming to Japan and she may be feeling overwhelmed (not saying this is you). Try to communicate with her and work out what’s wrong and then use your own judgement, your knowledge of your personal situation, and your understanding of your girlfriend, to work out your own next move. Nobody on here can do that for you.

  9. Wow, lots of terrible comments here without anyone knowing the full background.

    OP: call the police or visit the local koban and tell them that you want to break up with your girlfriend (I assume you do) and (a) want your things back and (b) don’t want her to contact you again.

    If you can’t speak Japanese, the police can help with a translator – you might have to visit the local police station for this.

    Good luck.

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