Gachapon Culture

Hello, I have some questions regarding gachapon culture. I’m in Japan for holidays, I obviously see a lot of gachapon machine / store. A lot of people seems to buy some.
But is it always like that ? Do really a lot of people buy gacha ? What kind do they like ? (Franchised anime / manga or just everyday things like food, animals ?)
Do people store them ? Can a way of storing them “online” with an application can be interesting? What do they do with those ? Do they have a lot at home ?

I’d be glad to hear about your opinion on the matter

  1. They are either bought by collectors who actively seek out specific machines and are not afraid to spend a significant amount until their complete a set, or impulse buyers, maybe with kids who insist on buying something. Most people just ignore the machines altogether

  2. It’s just like a hobby of “gambling” on a random group of items, and owners can just place them on display or keep it somewhere. It’s not that complicated, and a simple Google search would have been faster and simpler.

  3. It exists because there is a demand for it. They make money just by putting those in front of stores.

  4. Since the other aspects of your post have been addressed by people more knowledgeable than I, I’d like to address your question of “storing them online with an application”. This is an entire genre of mobile game and even pc game now, called Gacha Games. Think Genshin Impact or FATE: Grand Order, where you’re supposed to roll on getting ultra rare costumes and characters to make them stronger (I think?? Never played much gacha and never actually bought rolls so I wouldn’t know). People will spend a lot of money to get the new costume or event costume of their favorite character (called, iirc, their oshi).

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