Gabe Kid

Gabe Kid

  1. If Misawa can see his matches, he’d sneak in his dream and elbow him to death

    btw, he’s spitting facts

  2. I hope Gedo is paying attention to this World Tag League tour and how well Gabe and Alex are doing. Those two have been massive highlights and in particular from his promos to his in-ring work just scream star to me. I will die on this hill Gabe should be the top Gaijin heel, not Finlay.

  3. May be a hot take but eddie’s titles feels like a consolation prize since he’s not winning neither the actual iwgp title or aew title

  4. Say it louder for those in the back!!!
    Trust a Brit to tell the truth… r/AEWOfficial is having kittens right now!!! 🤣🤣🤣

  5. He’s a great heel cause man I fucking hate this clown. Try harder Gabe and learn to keep your mouth shut….

    Also, NJPW do pay their gaijin talent in cash. I remember Tama getting stopped at the airport with stacks of Yen in his bag.

  6. I really don’t care about AEW’s Continental Classic (G1-lite), due to the fact it’s for a meaningless title. This is like if the winner of the G1 Climax gets the NEVER Openweight or KOPW title instead of getting a IWGP World Heavyweight title shot at the Tokyo Dome main event.

  7. Now this is more like it, someone has gotta knock down that fat AJPW cosplayer down a peg or two.

  8. Finally. Can’t stand Eddie Kingston. Not sure why New Japan panders to this guy. Finlay should have gone over Switchblade and Henare should have dethroned Kingston.

  9. I’ve always wondered why Eddie Kingston didn’t just go to AJPW and try to win the real Triple crown championship

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