University year abroad – which Japanese university?

A family member that doesn’t use reddit is having trouble choosing a university for their year abroad in Japan (as part of a linguistics & japanese degree)… here are the unis on offer:

* Aichi Prefactural
* Akita International
* Dokkyo
* Fukuoka
* Hiroshima Shudo
* Hitotsubashi
* Hokkaido
* Hosei
* Ibaraki
* International Christian University (ICU)
* KCUFS (Kobe)
* Kyoto
* KUFS (Kyoto)
* Kyushu
* Nanzan
* Ryukoku
* Sophia
* Tohoku Gakuin
* Waseda

Their shortlist right now…
Aichi, Hosei, Kyushu, ICU, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Hokkaido

And they have to choose top 3.

Anyone have any thoughts about any of these I can share? Good or bad 🙂

They don’t particularly care about working in Japan afterwards. They mainly just want to experience Japan for a year, maybe travel around a bit. Living costs is not a huge concern.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **University year abroad – which Japanese university?**

    A family member that doesn’t use reddit is having trouble choosing a university for their year abroad in Japan (as part of a linguistics & japanese degree)… here are the unis on offer:

    * Aichi Prefactural
    * Akita International
    * Dokkyo
    * Fukuoka
    * Hiroshima Shudo
    * Hitotsubashi
    * Hokkaido
    * Hosei
    * Ibaraki
    * International Christian University (ICU)
    * KCUFS (Kobe)
    * Kyoto
    * KUFS (Kyoto)
    * Kyushu
    * Nanzan
    * Ryukoku
    * Sophia
    * Tohoku Gakuin
    * Waseda

    Their shortlist right now…
    Aichi, Hosei, Kyushu, ICU, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Hokkaido

    And they have to choose top 3.

    Anyone have any thoughts about any of these I can share? Good or bad 🙂

    They don’t particularly care about working in Japan afterwards. They mainly just want to experience Japan for a year, maybe travel around a bit. Living costs is not a huge concern.

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  2. Do they have any preference to which prefecture they are in? How urban it is, weather, etc? Example: as someone that never lived somewhere it snows, Hokkaido will be a pretty big change/commitment for me, but may not be an issue for them.

    If they want to travel/explore Japan (as in explore different cities and areas during the year) being near a major train station or airport may also be important. They may want to do some research into which campus the linguistics department is in.

    Hosei for example may sound convenient and in Tokyo but they have three campuses, the Ichigaya campus is closer to airports/city life while the Tama campus is much further, and Koganei is in between.

    I personally love the area ICU is located (Close enough to the main area of Tokyo but far enough that it’s a bit less busy) but I prefer suburban life while they may want to be in a more urban setting.

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