English Based Program at a university in America or Japanese Based program at a Japanese University?

I am a south Asian High schooler currently in my 3rd year of my high school and I wanted some advice regarding choosing a English based program at an American university or a Japanese based program at a Japanese university. I am pretty fluent in Japanese, passed JLPT N1 and I think I should be able to get admission in a Japanese university after potentially attending a language school to prepare for entrance exams. But I want to study either computer science or business and I have heard that it would be much better if I go to an American university since both the pay and the work culture is much better than what Japan offers. Also most people mention that moving to Japan with an American degree is not difficult. Lurking on this sub for a while it’s generally not recommend to study in Japan but since I’m already decently fluent in Japanese I’m wondering if it’s really actually a bad decision or should I just go attend an undergraduate program in America. also since I still live in South Asia I would be an international student in both Japan and America. American universities are much more expensive than Japanese universities though but I think my parents should be able to afford my undergrad if I get some aid in America.
There’s also the option of going to university in my home country but honestly I’m not super interested in that since the universities here atleast in my personal opinion are not good.
Tldr – considering I still have my whole life ahead of me are Japanese university actually a decent option or should I just choose the safe route of going to America.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **English Based Program at a university in America or Japanese Based program at a Japanese University?**

    I am a south Asian High schooler currently in my 3rd year of my high school and I wanted some advice regarding choosing a English based program at an American university or a Japanese based program at a Japanese university. I am pretty fluent in Japanese, passed JLPT N1 and I think I should be able to get admission in a Japanese university after potentially attending a language school to prepare for entrance exams. But I want to study either computer science or business and I have heard that it would be much better if I go to an American university since both the pay and the work culture is much better than what Japan offers. Also most people mention that moving to Japan with an American degree is not difficult. Lurking on this sub for a while it’s generally not recommend to study in Japan but since I’m already decently fluent in Japanese I’m wondering if it’s really actually a bad decision or should I just go attend an undergraduate program in America. also since I still live in South Asia I would be an international student in both Japan and America. American universities are much more expensive than Japanese universities though but I think my parents should be able to afford my undergrad if I get some aid in America.
    Tldr – considering I still have my whole life ahead of me are Japanese university actually decent option or should I just choose the safe route of going to America.

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  2. What do you want to do and where do you want to live after you graduate? Also, how smart are you? If you can get into a top CS or business school, you should aim for that.

  3. Unless you are going to get into highly specialized post grad research subjects like fluid dynamics or cardiac surgery, no university in Japan is better than state schools in the USA.

  4. I work in tech in Tokyo. Big tech, so many of my co-workers are from South Asia and America. My recommendation is to study in America, to network, get a good entry level job and learn the culture. Only once you have experience to be a mid career hire should you consider Japan.

    Entry level jobs here tend to suck big time. They have some benefits but an ambitious guy like yourself will probably end up disappointed.

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