Audio & DJ Equipment Stores in Fukuoka

Was wondering where I can get a hold of DJ & audio equipment in Fukuoka. Specifically looking for a Pioneer DJ XDJ-RR. There’s a few in Rakuten but mostly are out of stock. I tried messaging stores on IG but they haven’t been responding and searching in english/translating directs me to generic pages with just the about info of the store.

If I may ask are there any recommended DJ equipment shops, 2nd hand or new, in Fukuoka area?


  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Audio & DJ Equipment Stores in Fukuoka**

    Was wondering where I can get a hold of DJ & audio equipment in Fukuoka. Specifically looking for a Pioneer DJ XDJ-RR. There’s a few in Rakuten but mostly are out of stock. I tried messaging stores on IG but they haven’t been responding and searching in english/translating directs me to generic pages with just the about info of the store.

    If I may ask are there any recommended DJ equipment shops, 2nd hand or new, in Fukuoka area?


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  2. Bic Camera has a pretty good selection of DJ equipment here in Tokyo, but you may have to special order stuff to be shipped to their Fukuoka location. That specific mixer seems to be discontinued which is why you’re having difficulty finding it new. Even Kakaku barely has any stores offering it.

    You may want to ask this in r/japanresidents and/or r/japanlife. There is probably also an r/fukuoka but no idea how active it is.

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