Noisy neighbors…but should I record the audio?

I am at my wits end. I’ve been living in my 2 room apartment for about 3 years, just signed an extra 3 year extension 2 months ago.
But now, the uni student (these are working people/family apartment units) that lives next to me is making my life hell.

Pretty sure he got a new girlfriend or something because every night without fail, anywhere from 12~3am they will have the loudest sex, sometimes even multiple times a night. And it lasts for hours, I wish I was making this up. You can hear it no matter where you are in my apartment, you can’t escape it. And when it’s all over, they are laughing, screaming, and crashing stuff around. It’s woken me up every night and It’s been 29 days without a full night’s sleep.

Now with that being said, I’ve contacted the landlord, they sent out a letter to the neighbor and everything. I’ve tried knocking on the wall when it gets too loud. Heck, one night I tried blasting heavy metal right up against the wall. Nothing worked. I’m fully prepared to call the cops tonight in the inevitable case they get loud again, but I also want to collect evidence of the noise so I have proof I’m not insane. Would it be justified to record it? I understand recording neighbors who stomp or yell, but since these are obvious sex noises, would that make the situation any different?

Please laugh all you want, I’ve been running on 3 hours of sleep everyday, thus here I am Reddit.

  1. You are patient. The second night I would have been banging on his don’t door telling him to shut the fuck up. It’s always a good option though. 😌

  2. > Would it be justified to record it?

    No consent is required for recording audio where there is no legal precedent for privacy, e.g. a confidential office meeting to discuss protected trade secrets, etc.

    If they’re midnight adventures are loud enough to be picked up by your recording device, then that’s on them.

  3. Just call the Police and complaint about domestic violence cause you been hearing people screaming and making sound like they are being abuse.

    edit: yeah, just record it.

  4. This is quite hilarious, but in all seriousness – noise is noise, albeit slightly in the eyes (or ears) of the beholder. You might want to try a decibel meter app to gauge if it really is as loud as you perceive it to be.

    Edit: to answer your question – no. There is no issue recording it. Also post your findings here. I’m sure there are many curious people.

  5. In the past, I have recorded my neighbors fighting and then played it back full blast through my amp into their wall. They were more… conscientious afterwards.

  6. You could go the passive aggressive route and change the name of your public WiFi router to “TenantInRoomXXXHasHerpes” or “StopFuckingSoLoudly”. Or call the police.

    E: Or record their loud sex, remix it and play it to them in the morning.

  7. At one of my old apartments I had similar rowdy neighbors. I don’t like the whole passive aggressive route to call the landlord who is not going to do shit. So I just kept kicking the adjacent wall until they shut up. Then even when they saw me outside they stopped making eye contact. It was great after that. Too bad it’s not working for you.

  8. Record the audio of them having sex and then play it back to them through the wall.

    Bonus points if she does that fakeass JAV “eeeh eeeh eeeh iku iku dame dame iku iku” sound like she’s a newborn piglet being crushed by someone’s boot heel.

  9. just bang on the walls when they’re having fun screaming うるせぇ! like a lunatic.

    on the other hand you can try asking to join them instead, or at least record video rather than just audio.

  10. Judging by the reports I have read regarding certain documentaries, the audio track is never bitcrushed, but is normally left intact.

    Therefore, presenting audio of your neighbours fucking like animals as evidence to local law enforcement will not be cause to have your collar felt.

    Like everyone else is saying, call the cops. Your neighbours are probably sick of it too 🙂

  11. Can’t you just get your boyfriend/girlfriend to come over and have a competition for the loudest sex? Half-joking here. Had this same issue with my neighbor, so my then-girlfriend and I would do the same and scream the dirtiest English/Japanese that we could think of. They stopped soon after. Don’t know if it’ll work for you, but it could be fun.

  12. Advice as someone who has experienced something like this before. Record everything down, voice record, dates etc. Send everything to the landlord and after that call the police. Bonus if you know the uni’s name, call the uni as well.

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