198000 a month WOW

198000 a month WOW

  1. To be honest, I would do it for free just to get a chance to work at UFO Academy. You probably don’t even need money once you’re abducted by aliens anyway.

  2. Wow, that’s almost $10 (USD) per teaching hour. Unless there is any prep time involved. If it’s a 40 hour per week gig it’s more like $8 per hour.

  3. The ‘30 teaching hours’ is a big red flag. It seems to be smoke and mirrors time. They list a bunch of different types of schools and classes – it seems more than likely that the ‘teacher’ will be doing a lot of traveling between workplaces on a daily basis on top of any prep.

  4. >_Applicant NOT REQUIRED to reside in Japan._

    Aaaaand watch them get 200+ applicants looking for the ‘foot-in-the-door’ visa.

  5. “Applicant NOT REQUIRED to reside in Japan”, they will be flooded with applications regardless of the salary

  6. I used to work at this place. A full time teacher also gets access to an apartment and car but both are sort of….old.

    Yeah it’s has some…things going on their that make you go…huh.

  7. 100% you will be paying your own transport costs.

    Also, never trust a business that can’t get their own domain email addresses, ffs.

  8. I was paid much less than that for my first job.

    You take what you can get if you’re desperate enough. Use it as a stepping stone to greater things.

    It’s not impossible to live off that if you’re single in your 20s and smart with your finances.

  9. It feels like the eikaiwa schools have figured out that Japan is enough of a draw now that they can basically pay peanuts and still get applicants because those applicants just want a visa to live here.

    Back in the 90s I thought, iirc, that there was a minimum salary connected with the humanities visa and that is why we were paid around 300,000 per month. Did the minimum decrease over time?

  10. If you’re only actually working 30 hours a week (and I know, by the wording that probably isn’t the case), it’s not horrible.

  11. Everyone should start emailing these places saying that the salary is unacceptable/unlivable on. If they get 50-60 emails of potential applicants saying there can be no conversation until the salary increases, hopefully they’ll change their tune.

  12. English teaching in Japan is basically a job for people from the Philippines now. 200k is a lot for them.

    That’s the reality – Japan is going hard with recruitment from south east Asia as they are foreigners but look more Japanese. Racist. Exploitation.

    Golden era to teach English has passed – maybe 20 years ago?!

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