Always no car spots at convenience stores at lunch time

What is up with these salarymen parking their car at 7-11 at lunch time like now reading a book or playing on their phone while car park is full

  1. Here in Ishikawa the conbinis put up “no idling” signs to try curbing this but people like to sit in their car during break.

  2. Some people come to 7 to buy and eat lunch in their cars. The horrors of daring to have a lunch, I know.

  3. They do it after work from around 5-7PM as well. Random parking lots (especially konbinis) packed with people sitting in their cars doing all sorts of random shit. Turns out it’s one of the few places and times of the day they can get any kind of privacy.

  4. Lunch break is also their break from people, their car also serves as their own ‘private space’

  5. “Why aren’t there any parking spaces at lunch?” says the person looking for a parking space at lunch.

  6. Often sales people will have to drive around to visit clients, so they might want some time to relax at lunch. It’s quicker/easier to get parking and food at a convenience store than a restaurant or cafe in a lot of cases, plus there is a bathroom or printer they can use if they need.

  7. I saw a parking lot at a conbini recently that worked more like a normal car park, with those rising wheel blocks. Any stay longer than 20 minutes (which is the guidance most conbinis in Tokyo have I think) gets charged. Shorter stays are free.

  8. We all want a parking spot for our vehicle. If I buy something from a store I generally consume some of it in my car and take a rest from driving. Do some drivers stay too long? Maybe, but it probably isn’t to create havoc for other drivers.

  9. In some countries, a lunch break is a time when people can get away from work for a little bit. It might be similar in Japan. Maybe.

  10. Starting about ten years ago, convenience stores (especially 7-11s) in our area started demolishing locations with little or no parking, and then opening new stores with large parking lots. Seemed to be a new business approach.

    I agree with OP that it can be frustrating when the parking lot is full but the store is nearly empty.

  11. How dare the locals use the infrastructure the locals built!


    What kind of closet racism are you on? I would be far more angry at a bunch of tourists blocking up something than people taking a break form work.

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