Loan/Tuition for Studying in Japan?

I am a student from the UK looking to study in the September 2024 period, apart from Scholarships, is there anyway to apply for a normal government loan as many of them tend to non residential status as part of their application, does anyone have any places I can read up on where I can get a loan for tuition?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Loan/Tuition for Studying in Japan?**

    I am a student from the UK looking to study in the September 2024 period, apart from Scholarships, is there anyway to apply for a normal government loan as many of them tend to non residential status as part of their application, does anyone have any places I can read up on where I can get a loan for tuition?

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  2. You’re not going to get a loan from Japan. You need to research loans in your home country to see if they can be used for schools abroad.

  3. No loans are available for people from abroad who don’t receive regular pay in Japan.
    In the UK, you need to find one that covers your expenses for studying abroad.

  4. Many Japanese university’s will waive 50% of their tuition if you are from a “poor” coountry or if your provably poor. Just ask.

    This [website]( *claims* there ways for a foreigner to get Japanese student loans. It seems very suspect but this UK company, [Fly Finance]( seems to be offering high-risk student loans to foreigners.



    Also check:

    * [**How To Apply For Educational Loan in Japan**](


    A slight help might be JASSO’s [“Student Exchange Support Program”](


  5. Is your university not covering your travel fees? Mine do, but you have to pay an additional 15% on your yearly tuition for the years you are here.

    You aren’t going to get a loan from Japan, though. You will need to find a suitable organisation willing to cover your fees for travel and studying abroad.

    If you’re an independent applicant, can I ask why you’re planning on studying in Japan?

    I’m here doing my second year of my Literature, Digital Media and Communications degree, so do ask anything you’re curious of.

  6. You need 2 million yen in cash in a bank account to apply for a visa. Unless you are a future rocket scientist on the government MEXT program, you need to pay to play.


    The cost is what makes studying in Japan absolutely dumb. You can get a better education for far less in most other G7 nations. The cost isn’t about quality, it’s an immigration barrier.

  7. You CAN get a loan in Japan through JASSO. The students loans are available for national and international students.

    Also depending on the university and your nationality, there are plenty of financial support opportunities once you are enrolled. Public universities normally reduce the tuition for those that don’t have scholarship and coming from low income countries.

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