Cleaning mold in ofuro

Hi, I almost never use the bath tub in my house but this keep getting dirty so I clean it like every two months. When the winter comes this mold like spot appear and can’t be clean with brush. Any suggestion for solution you guys usually use to clean the bath tub and bathroom? Would be good if it’s available in suupaa. Thank you in advance.
Here’s the pic:

  1. Dude, baths in the evening in winter are the shit. I can see skipping during hot weather, we often just take showers in July and August but now that it’s chilly, can’t go without the evening bath. Embrace this part of the culture and enjoy that post-bath beverage.

  2. I highly recommend the ルック 防カビくん煙剤. Use it once every two month and it completely prevents all mold. I’ve been using it for the past two years and havnt seen any mold since.

  3. Bathrooms and showers should be cleaned at least once a week. As some other users suggested, [カビキラー]( is great for killing any mold you might have now.

    For regular cleaning, I recommend [バスマジックリンエアジェット]( and a 100 yen brush or sponge. Takes less than 5 minutes to wash and rinse it off, even if you don’t use the tub for bathing.

    Can’t really tell by the photo, but if the bathroom is a wet type (the typical Japanese bathroom), I use [おふろの防カビくん煙剤]( every two months to keep the mold at bay. I’m unsure if they can be used in regular bathrooms, but worth giving it a shot.

    If else fails, try using bleach to kill and clean the mold.

    All these cleaning supplies are cheaper at Donki than at a regular drugstore.

    Ventilate the bathroom as soon as you are done and out of the bath. Open the window a crack, close the door so the current doesn’t get into your house, and let it ventilate. You can let it ventilate until you go to bed, and it never hurts to leave it a tiny bit open during the day if you are at home.

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