Moving Out Questions

Hi guys, I am moving out next month and currently in the process of various procedures.

(1) Is it normally possible, or allowed by the lease agreement to move my stuffs out first (1 week before the last day), then meet for the inspection/meeting on the last day? I will request it that way, but just wanted to prepare myself with the knowledge in advance.

From what I read around, the meeting day is usually the same day as the moving out day, but I’m not sure how that is feasible as I also have to go and receive at the new place after the moving company is done. It will be within Tokyo if that matters.

(2) Is it also normal to share my new address to the old agency/landlord? I am now filling in the moving out notice form, and they want me to share my new address and the moving company PIC details and other stuffs. Somehow I feel uncomfortable but probably just me thinking too much.

Appreciate your input guys.

  1. 1. You can move your stuff out whenever you want, as long as it’s before the last day and you have your new keys so you have a space to put the stuff. Moving companies don’t care… they’re just happy to get paid to haul your stuff.

    2. Address is normal. They may need to send you paperwork after the fact.

  2. You can move your stuff out at anytime. It’s your stuff.

    I have often had walk through on the last day. I won’t let them walk through without me. Only one has asked to do it on their own after move out.

    Not sure about the address thing. I dont know of any reason they would need it

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