Rent/guarantor questions

I have been paying rent at the convenience store but last month it got set up for direct cash card withdrawal. The rent is supposed to be taken out of my account on the 27th (today), but I forgot I needed to move over money to my card until the day of (I have 2 different cards for reasons), so i did so around noon.

Im curious if this is going to be an issue because I did not have the money in my account at midnight today, and will they get my rent payment through the guarantor company im signed with?

Also does anyone know what are average fees that the guarantor will charge you when they pay your rent for a month?

I haven’t gotten any phone calls or emails as of today about it.. just feeling really dumb and stressed and not quite sure how exactly logistics around this works.

  1. It won’t go directly to the guarantor company. The rental company will contact you first. However, don’t wait for that. Especially if you are paying through a credit company like EPOS etc. Call them TODAY and check to make sure that the transfer went through. Explain what happened. If it didn’t go through they will give you an account number to send it.

    Usually, even if you are paying the rent through a credit card company, as long as it is paid within 24 hours it shouldn’t become a black mark on your credit. If you wait several days for them to contact you there is a chance that you could end up black balled which may prevent you from renting other places, getting credit, or loans in the future.

  2. I have experience with this. Forgot I had a payment that day and missed the whole 24 period but i immediately went to the bank the next morning and a few hours later they automatically pulled the funds. No calls or questions asked. I think theres a grace period if you miss it by accident they they will just try at certain times to pull the money. Ive never went negative when they tried but also i would call them just in case if youre that worried to let them know about the transfer and what not. Hope it gets resolved and you get a piece of mind friend.

  3. When the withdrawal is failed, they will send you a bill to pay it at combinis or transfer. Some hundred yen will be charge, like 手数料 or something, not much.

    If you are worried you can call them and urge them to send the bill. But even if you don’t, they will send anyway so don’t worry. I experienced it sometimes before. Received the bills around 10-15th next month.

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