A post-partum meal at my birthing clinic

A post-partum meal at my birthing clinic

  1. You deserve it OP!
    Good job pushing out that lil cutie!❤️
    Hope you regain your strength ❤️

  2. I’m not pregnant, but I would like to go to this birthing clinic if meals are like this 🙌🏻

  3. The meals are amazing. I had a Wagyu steak on my first day but I couldn’t stomach it unfortunately. Congratulations!

  4. What an insane lineup! Well deserved, congrats Mama.

    Edit : I have a stalker / downvoter that needs to get a life ✌️

  5. Oh wow – what a feast! That looks absolutely amazing, and SO well deserved of course 😊 Many, many congratulations on your beautiful new arrival 🥰

  6. Omg I remember that food. It was so great to eat after having a baby. I was there for a week and everyday was a feast. 🤤 It made me feel so strong and healthy too. Great way to recover from having a baby. I hope it does the same for you and enjoy your new baby!

    Let’s enjoy baby! (Iykyk)

  7. Oh my I bet giving birth in Japan is lovely, enjoy that little bundle of love OP! I look back fondly at that first 24-48hrs in the hospital after the birth of my daughter, even if I only got a turkey sandwich postpartum 🤣

  8. I didn’t get anything like that in America 😭 Tried to convince my husband to get Macaroni Grill takeout, and he wouldn’t do it 😭 Like he acted more tired than I was!

  9. My wife regretted leaving her clinic here early because she missed more of these kinds of meals.

  10. Wow, that’s amazing! And congratulations!

    Just butter on toasted white bread in the UK, but it does taste amazing.

  11. Looks awesome! My PP meal was an old turkey sandwich the nurse found in the staff fridge. It was delicious TBH but really they should have had food available 24/7.

  12. Great idea. And congrats. When my gf was finished giving birth, one of the first things I did next day was bring sushi and herring to

  13. They forgot to organize my dinner after giving birth so I had half a slice of cake from the nurses morning tea. The New Zealand health system is great.

  14. In Cantonese “蘇蝦” meaning shrimp is colloquial for “newborn”/”baby” so that last pic is very fitting!

  15. I worked in the dining services at my local hospital which had a maternity wing as well, they do not eat nearly as well or as healthy as this. I’d see tickets all the time for pizza, or a quesadilla and other things but the hospital food wasn’t horrible but it wasn’t the best either. I’m a dude but if me and my future wife have children I hope we can find something like this or at least something healthy, probably won’t be able to afford it though cause Americas healthcare system is abysmal lmao, I had to leave the hospital for that reason, I hated working there in so many respects. Anywho congratulations!!!

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