Weekly Complaint Thread – 30 November 2023

It’s the weekly complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissing you off.

Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

* No politics
* No complaints about users of JapanLife

  1. My baby isn’t even 5 months old, but he’s already in 80/90cm clothes. If we buy western brands, it’s no problem. Just buy stuff that says “12-18 months” or whatever and they’ll be baby clothes (sleepers, onesies, etc). Japanese brands? Nope. Everything in a 90cm is made for toddlers, and a lot of 80cm stuff is, too. But my baby is a baby. He’s fat and wiggly and can’t sit up. Waistbands cut into him and shirts ride up. So I have to spend extra on imported clothes that he’ll probably outgrow in a month or two.

  2. Nagaimo sensitivities? I peeled some into long, floppy strips last night for a cute salad, and my nose got so itchy (maybe I touched my nose after peeling it). Won’t be doing that again. We have soooo much nagaimo. It’s pretty good fried with butter, garlic and bacon, but I think it loses some health benefits served that way. Can’t have it that way every night, anyway. Sigh. Would love to hear favorite nagaimo recipes.

  3. Making a junior handle a production environment is so stupid. My past experience is UI/UX and you expect me to know infra for 2 months?!!! The fuck.

  4. Why is the Mr Donut website so bad? I just want to reserve my Lucky Bag but I’m stuck in an endless loop of error and page not found. I get they have high traffic but it’s just awful.

  5. Had pink eye over a week ago. Went to the eye doc and got antibiotics. Pink eye went away but then a
    stye appeared on the bottom of my right eye. I looks like its not going away anytime soon despite me still taking the same antibiotic eyedrops and not touching the damn thing at all. Its been like a week already. Been wearing a mask since i can’t wear any makeup while i have this stupid thing.

  6. I work at an IT consultant company and was given an apartment “dorm” to move in to. Didn’t know that once you get dispatched/assigned to a job, you’re supposed to apply to change the status of the apartment from “dorm” to “company housing” which incurs a higher rent and fees. So now I have to pay back the money I shouldn’t have gotten for the past year and a half, which equates to two whole paychecks’ worth. The pay was already borderline bearable, but now I’m gonna have to seriously consider finding a better job.

  7. Naively decided to send a parcel home but despite my confidence based on prior experience was rejected at the counter as apparently these days you need to prepare an address label by yourself using the app. Went home and registered with the app, but the ‘international my page’ seems to be accessed with a different registration so did that again. Had to guess the weight of the items based on internet research, which will undoubtedly be slightly wrong, so will probably get told off again later. Another example of technology making things harder for the end user. Do-it-yourself as a service. But of course, you still have to pay. Yay.

  8. Nothing like thinking you can speak ok Japanese for daily life. Even the Japanese website for the JLPT states that N3 is daily life and conversational.

    But then I start watching Japanese YouTube videos to get ready for my coming job interview and I feel like I can’t speak at all compared to these videos

  9. “I don’t speak English, I have no foreign friends and I’ve never been overseas, but I’m going to give myself an English nickname because it sounds cool.”

  10. Went on holiday for a week in the US and had a great time – I always dread going to the airport to come back to Japan….

    Also, the entire thing that many companies have of complicated systems that are poorly explained. “Oh, just save the file here.” Yeah, in reality I need to contact three people and find out the advice I was given was completely wrong.

    At work, my boss is seriously pissing me off. For example, prepare a PowerPoint with my teams goals and send it to him. Arrange 30 minutes to go over it and hear nothing negative.

    Present it in a meeting with c-level executives for Japan and then suddenly the schedule isn’t good…. (Note: c-level execs were fine with it).

    Also, I’m being reorganized to a new team and that is further complicating things as my current team is shipping multiple products over multiple releases by the end of the year and I’m being expected to learn my new team, train my replacement and ensure the releases aren’t messed up.

  11. People who don’t use omiyage/gifts piss me off, and I’m not talking about like, people with allergies or dislikes or anything.

    My ex used to do this and I didn’t realize it until years later— just letting perishable things sit around until they expire as if it’s decor for her home— I know those items were things she actually wanted too, since she told me if she wanted to eat/drink/use/etc it she would buy herself a second one and use that, but not use the one I got her. Can’t wrap my head around it… it’s so wasteful.

    …And now a coworker is not consuming something I brought back from overseas specifically for him (he explicitly asked for it!!) man!!! Never getting you anything again.

  12. This is the fifth time this year I’ve caught a cold because my boss keeps coming to work even when he’s sick. I work for an IT company, and I find it absurd that we can’t work from home at least when we’re sick. If you don’t want to allow us to WFH, fine, don’t come to work then.
    I’m tired of wasting my days off like this.
    I hate this whole “I have to go to work even if I’m sick and I’m just gonna make everyone else in the office sick” mentally, especially when the WFH solution is just there.

  13. My department head is trying to take away my WFH. I handle our overseas business so I have rarely any interaction with the employees in Japan so it’s pointless for me to commute over an hour one-way just to work individually in the office. F

  14. Slowpoke maybe, but after seeing a bunch of ads for 峠 in the theaters last year, I was finally able to catch it on a flight.

    I swear that was the most mid samurai movie I had ever seen. The performances kept it watchable but everything else had zero imagination put into it. I guess big wigs think if you make a Shiba adaptation high value enough people will just throw money at it.

  15. The American company that I’ve been trying to deal with for the past few months so I can get a sweet, sweet bonus has been ghosting my emails. Finally got an email last night and it was “Thanks for the message, have a Happy New Year”

    Like, we want to buy millions of dollars worth of product from you, why is this so hard.

  16. So my boyfriend proposed to me in Hawaii last week, the day after my birthday. Big YAYYYYYY 🙂 we’re getting married!!! 🙂 🎉

    Now for the long, boring complaint lol. Not so big yay is my parents now insisting on being there when we submit the marriage documents to city office… I already explained to them when I visited in August that if (when) we get married, we will be doing the city office part just the two of us and then having a little celebration with family when either we or they next visit. They either forgot, or changed their minds. So there’s a difficult conversation to be had which I’m dreading lol

    I mean, is it unreasonable or selfish to want to submit the documents just the two of us? If you have an opinion pls reply. I personally don’t think so, it’s our marriage after all 🙁

    It’s awkward saying no, but we had already planned all this the two of us so feels a bit unfair to have to change it for someone else. Am I being horrible? I don’t even know anymore haha. And I’ve explained that things are done differently here (in terms of city office documents/ceremonies/timing), but yeah. Frustrating, but I’m going to call them this weekend and try to say no without upsetting them too much. Ahhh

  17. That overpriced duck soba I just had. Didn’t even taste good, cup soba tastes way better and doesn’t cost 670 yen wtih vegetable add ons…..

  18. Living and working in Japan has made me feel like I’m living 10 years in the past. Some common knowledge, which I thought was common, or ideas seem like something new here. And it’s terrifying me.

  19. Corporate decided it was time to to get a new flashy design for one of our old existing websites. Fair enough, I think that is a good idea as well. Anyways, they decided the best idea would be to outsource the job to another company. They will do all the work and they will also take care of all changes in the future.

    Outsourcing is fine, if we don’t have the enough or right resources ourselves, then let’s just pay someone else to do it for us. The problem ? They went ahead without consulting a single developer. And what do you know…it backfired. All of it could have been avoided if they just consulted with some of the developers.

  20. * preparing and packing for moving is a pain, been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately despite the abundance of time

  21. Leaving work walking down the escalator to catch the train as one does, I see a jiji with some small department store shopping bags in hands standing on the right side in the way. I politely say sumimasen~ yet the old fart doesn’t even turn around and goes 「ここ歩くところじゃないよ」. Yeah you know what, fuck you jiji.

  22. They’re going to be building a cafe in the middle of the park my daughter’s daycare goes to for walks. Depending on how big it ends up being and how busy it is, the daycare is saying they might not be able to bring the kids to that park for walks anymore.

    I always thought it was only grumpy old people that opposed development like that, but **I** am a little upset about it. Does that mean I’m a grumpy old person?

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