Developing NSFW Disposable Camera Film

Bit of a weird one. I asked in the stupid questions post yesterday but haven’t had any replies.

Suppose I’ve used a disposable camera to take tasteful NSFW photos between two consenting adults, where am I best getting these developed? Is it possible? Will it be private? Do I have to worry about laws about pornography or about people stealing the photos, will they be destroyed and not returned back to me etc.

Any general advice would be appreciated.

  1. Call Bic Camera or whoever you use and ask.

    I remember your question yesterday and Bic’s website didn’t mention anything about it.

  2. Full frontal nudity is generally a no-no for public display but for private photos I’m not sure. If your photos reveal something that might be illegal they might have to report it.

  3. Maybe times have changed.

    I remember working part time at a photo shop in Sydney, Australia in the early 2000s. I don’t think anyone ever made a note to tell us there were risque negatives. We’d just put a different color sticker on the envelope to remind us that we shouldn’t open it at the counter to show them if they were happy with the quality of the pics.

    The amount of naughty negatives that would be brought in the week after the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras would make your eyes water.

  4. at home, it’s not that difficult, you just gotta somehow find all needed things

  5. Use a digital camera or cellphone. If you’re too analog for that, use a polaroid style camera, they still exist.

  6. >Will it be private?

    Depends on what you mean by “private” I guess. I’m not sure what the protocol is with NSFW pictures but I have no idea how they could possibly go through the development process without even once looking at the photos.

    FWIW I did this once in my home country and the guy in the shop was completely unfazed. Don’t know about Japan though.

  7. If you are interested in photography and taking the pics for artistic reasons, get a set on Amazon with the whole equipment for developing the negatives in your own home. Keep in mind black and white is much easier to develop by yourself than color.

    If it’s just for memories, buy a Polaroid style camera.

  8. I’ve taken nude photos (of one person at a time, who were not doing anything particularly sexual) and had them developed at Kitamura Camera (chain), and literally nothing happened at all.

  9. When you pick it up after processing, …how about the biggest covid mask you can find, dark sunglasses, a watch cap pulled way down, hoodie, gloves, and have enough cash so no fumbling and just grab the change and leave…?

  10. Worked part time at a local photo development studio back before digital was a thing. The boss would ALWAYS print extra copies of The Good Stuff and share them in the employee lounge.

  11. Development isn’t a problem. But scanning and printing is. I’ve only tried it with bic camera, and they will not scan or print genitals (breasts is ok). I guess if you want to, you might have better luck with Popeye Camera in Jiyuugaoka or The last place is full of pros and it also charges more, so you should have a lot more luck.

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